Đorđe Balašević - Svirajte mi jesen stiže - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Đorđe Balašević - Svirajte mi jesen stiže

Svirajte mi jesen stiže
The Autumn Is Coming, My Sweetheart
Toga jutra sam stigao putničkom klasom,
I arrived in economy class that morning,
Pa kući sa stanice časom,
And walked home from the station for a change,
Kroz bašte i prečice znane.
Through familiar gardens and shortcuts.
A u vojsci sam stekao druga do groba
And in the army I found a friend for life,
I hroničnu upalu zgloba
And a chronic inflammation of the joints
- Suvenir na stražarske dane.
- A souvenir from my sentry duties.
Ušao sam na prstima,
I entered on tiptoe,
Mati beše već budna i brzo se prekrstila.
Mother was already awake and quickly crossed herself.
Reče: "Prošlo je k'o za čas,
She said: "It went by in a flash,
Baš si stigao dobro jer svatovi su tu do nas
You arrived just in time because the wedding guests are here,
Pa će ti svirati a ti ćeš birati".
And they'll play for you and you'll choose".
Svadba beše k'o svadba, i šta da se priča,
The wedding was like a wedding, no need to tell,
Parada pijanstva i kiča
A parade of drunkenness and kitsch,
I poznata cura u belom.
And a beautiful girl in white.
Već po redu poželeh im zdravlja i sreće,
I wished them health and happiness in turn,
Iz ruku mi otela cveće
She grabbed the flowers from my hands,
I sakrila pogled pod velom.
And hid her gaze beneath a veil.
Tad me spaziše cigani,
Then the Gypsies spotted me,
Kum je tražio pesmu, al' ja sam stig'o, briga njih!
The best man asked for a song, but I had just arrived, what did they care!
Širok osmeh i zlatan zub:
A wide smile and a golden tooth:
"Znam da nije ti lako, al' danas nemoj biti grub
"I know it's not easy for you, but don't be rude today,
Nego zapovedi šta ćemo svirati!"
Just tell us what to play!"
Svirajte mi "Jesen stiže dunjo moja", jesen rana,
Play me "Autumn is Coming, My Sweetheart", early autumn,
Nek zazvone tambure u transu.
Let the tambura resonate in a trance.
Znam da nije pesma ova za veselje i svatovac,
I know this song is not for joy and wedding guests,
Al' ja moram čuti tu romansu!
But I have to hear that romance!
Svirajte mi "Jesen stiže dunjo moja", al' polako,
Play me "Autumn is Coming, My Sweetheart", but slowly,
Da mi ne bi koja reč promakla.
So that not a single word escapes me.
Sklon'te čaše i bokale, razbio bih svet od šale,
Remove the glasses and the mugs, I'd smash the world for a joke,
Da je samo slučajno od stakla, dunjo moja...
If it were only made of glass, my sweetheart...
Retko odlazim kući a pišem još ređe,
I rarely go home and write even less,
I slike su bleđe i bleđe,
And the pictures are more and more faded,
Pa lepe potiskuju ružne.
For the beautiful ones are displacing the ugly ones.
Al' nekad poručim piće i tako to krene,
But sometimes I order a drink and that's how it starts,
Pa stignem u svatove njene,
And I end up at her wedding,
Sve prave su ljubavi tužne.
All true loves are sad.
Nikom ne pričam o tome.
I don't tell anyone about it.
Brzo dođe taj talas i znam da ću da potonem.
That wave comes quickly and I know I'll drown.
Spas mi donose cigani,
The Gypsies bring me salvation,
Oni imaju srce, za svakog od nas, briga njih,
They have a heart, for each one of us, what do they care,
Oni me pitaju šta da sviraju...
They ask me what to play...
Svirajte mi "Jesen stiže dunjo moja", jesen rana,
Play me "Autumn is Coming, My Sweetheart", early autumn,
Nek zazvone tambure u transu.
Let the tambura resonate in a trance.
Znam da nije pesma ova za veselje i svatovac,
I know this song is not for joy and wedding guests,
Al' ja moram čuti tu romansu!
But I have to hear that romance!
Svirajte mi "Jesen stiže dunjo moja", al' polako,
Play me "Autumn is Coming, My Sweetheart", but slowly,
Da mi ne bi koja reč promakla.
So that not a single word escapes me.
Sklon'te čaše i bokale, razbio bih svet od šale,
Remove the glasses and the mugs, I'd smash the world for a joke,
Da je samo slučajno od stakla, dunjo moja...
If it were only made of glass, my sweetheart...

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