Şehinşah - Boing - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Şehinşah - Boing

Şehin-şah, DJ-Artz
Şehin-şah, DJ-Artz
Biz eşgal, siz işkâl
We're the real deal, you're the trouble
Çekmiycen mi bong?
Won't you take a hit from the bong?
Çekmiycen mi bong?
Won't you take a hit from the bong?
Şehin-şah, DJ-Artz
Şehin-şah, DJ-Artz
Biz eşgal, siz işkâl
We're the real deal, you're the trouble
Çekmiycen mi bong?
Won't you take a hit from the bong?
Çekmiycen mi bong?
Won't you take a hit from the bong?
Kafa Boing, damarımda cannabinoid
Head Boing, cannabinoids in my veins
Olimpiyat meşalesi gibi baba bi' joint
Like an Olympic torch, baby, this joint
Analiz o ki sigarasız hayat emoji
Analysis shows that life without cigarettes is an emoji
Paramız yok, gidip yapalım safari tropi
We're broke, let's go on a tropical safari
Galaksi komik, her yanından akar ironi
The galaxy is funny, irony flows from every side
Yaşa biyonik, insan ötesi para psikozin
Live bionic, money psychosis beyond human
İnada bin, oligarşi sigara kadar hipnotik
Be stubborn, the oligarchy is as hypnotic as a cigarette
Hak arayana yapılıyo' kabaca biyopsi
Those who seek justice get a rough biopsy
Daha sinopsis, alayınız aga siyonist
More synopsis, you're all Zionist aga
Sizin gözünüz kapalı tamam ama biz O.G
Your eyes are closed, okay, but we're O.G.
Parazit o sisteminize zarar Hip-Hop
Hip-Hop damages your parasitic system
İnanan aborjin, kibir ise fasa-fisoji
The believing aborigine, arrogance is just a sham
İki makam için onurunu satan adam idol
The man who sells his honor for two positions is an idol
Üstünde cillop gibi saray, altında Cherokee
A palace like polish on top, a Cherokee underneath
Muazzez Ersoy'u bir odaya kapa bi' koy
Lock Muazzez Ersoy in a room for a bit
Bi' zamazingon fiyaka, fakat ara limoni
A fancy zamazingo, but look for a lemoni
Yapar idiot sayın bakanın sana bi' torpil
The idiot minister will do you a favor
Alta bir Porsche, sigorta ve rahat iş, oh mis
A Porsche underneath, insurance and a comfortable job, oh honey
Sat hadi oy, kim olsa kanar at hadi zombi
Come on, sell your vote, anyone would fall for it, come on zombie
Ya da sik anasını, gerekir ara git homié
Or fuck it, you need to call, go homie
Wasabi sos sıkar, üst arar, asabi polis
Squeezes wasabi sauce, searches the top, nervous cop
Yasa-din oksijenimi çalıp yapar hipoksi
The law-religion steals my oxygen and causes hypoxia
Var din optik, ilizyonist artik kozmik
There is religious optics, the illusionist is now cosmic
Ölü memleketin ozanı yapıyor otopsi
The poet of the dead country is doing an autopsy
Şehin-şah, DJ-Artz
Şehin-şah, DJ-Artz
Biz eşgal, siz işkâl
We're the real deal, you're the trouble
Çekmiycen mi bong? (Hadi çek içine)
Won't you take a hit from the bong? (Come on, inhale)
Çekmiycen mi bong? (Hadi vur)
Won't you take a hit from the bong? (Come on, hit it)
Şehin-şah, DJ-Artz
Şehin-şah, DJ-Artz
Biz eşgal, siz işkâl
We're the real deal, you're the trouble
Çekmiycen mi bong? (Hadi çek içine)
Won't you take a hit from the bong? (Come on, inhale)
Çekmiycen mi bong?
Won't you take a hit from the bong?
Yüreklilik bitmez bize, kibiri dinmez girer
Courage doesn't end with us, arrogance doesn't end, it enters
Kimi tripten tribe driblingler ile
Some dribble from trip to trip
Tipik tipler kemirir etini kinger girer
Typical types gnaw at the flesh of the kinger
Biri vurur üzerine, kibir içten içe
Someone hits on you, arrogance inside
Kimisi gizler, minik şirinlikler
Some hide, tiny cuteness
Yine kibiri sorsan ama duyarlı Greenpeace'den bile
Ask arrogance again, but even more sensitive than Greenpeace
Cicim cidden İstanbul'unuz ibretlik
Cicim seriously, your Istanbul is pathetic
Springfield'den nitelik olarak ilkel bi' yer
A place more primitive than Springfield in quality
Ebedilikle diren bi' terapi gibidir işler gider hep tersine
Resist with eternity, like therapy, things always go wrong
Yap işini git semtine
Do your job, go to your neighborhood
Çilingir ben, kapalı bilincin terk yine
I'm a locksmith, your closed consciousness is abandoned again
Sinir sistemini bozarım liriklerimle
I mess up your nervous system with my lyrics
Pilim bitmez, hedefe kitler
My battery doesn't run out, it locks on target
Bi' nevi beni bu beatler, ileri vitesime istemsizce
In a way, these beats define me, involuntarily into my forward gear
Beni tanımlar anca klinikler bile
Only clinics can define me
Siyahın içindeki grilikler
The grays within the black
Sizde bitti pirden, işi bitince rap derdine
You're done with the rap, when the job is done
Şekli kes, sanki gidiyo' piç Cambridge'e
Cut the shape, as if the bastard is going to Cambridge
Şeyhi bilmez, zibidi pintilikten
He doesn't know the Sheikh, the punk is stingy
Sike sürülecek akılı yok, fikri bitmez bile
He doesn't have the brains to fuck, his ideas never end
İncinirler, aşırı dincilikten
They get hurt, from excessive religiosity
Bile bahsetsem irkilirler
They'll even flinch if I talk about it
Gerek ama sorun yaratma zincire dizsem dize
It's necessary, but if I create a problem, I'll line up the chain
Dekanınız aradı briefing ver diye
Your dean called for a briefing
Şehin-şah, DJ-Artz
Şehin-şah, DJ-Artz
Biz eşgal, siz işkâl
We're the real deal, you're the trouble
Çekmiycen mi bong? (Hadi çek içine)
Won't you take a hit from the bong? (Come on, inhale)
Çekmiycen mi bong? (Hadi vur)
Won't you take a hit from the bong? (Come on, hit it)
Şehin-şah, DJ-Artz
Şehin-şah, DJ-Artz
Biz eşgal, siz işkâl
We're the real deal, you're the trouble
Çekmiycen mi bong? (Hadi çek içine)
Won't you take a hit from the bong? (Come on, inhale)
Çekmiycen mi bong? (Vur)
Won't you take a hit from the bong? (Hit it)

Авторы: Ufuk Sehinsah Yıkılmaz

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