Żabson feat. Vegas Jones - Collage - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Żabson feat. Vegas Jones - Collage

*Fidati di Andry è super serio (fidati)*
*Trust Andry, he's super serious (trust me)*
(Oh Andry)
(Oh Andry)
Collage, Collage całe życie tylko collage
Collage, Collage, my whole life is just a collage
Leci tu kolejna fota, ona dała mi followa
Another photo pops up, she followed me
Nie jestem, ponad, jestem w szponach
I'm not above, I'm in the claws
Widzę swoją twarz w cudzych telefonach
I see my face on strangers' phones
*Collage, Collage, lei si attacca come colla*
*Collage, Collage, she sticks like glue*
*Metto sempre roba nuova*
*I always wear new stuff*
*So che finirò in una foto*
*I know I'll end up in a photo*
*Fiesta, woah woah, Cessna, vola*
*Fiesta, woah woah, Cessna, fly*
*Guarda giù, vedo l'Europa*
*Look down, I see Europe*
*Salgo su un paio di (?)*
*I climb a couple of (?)*
Włoska modelka w Milanie, na dachu chce ze mną zajarać gibona
Italian model in Milan, wants to smoke a joint with me on the roof
Najpierw potwierdza to na instagramie, że to popularna persona
First she confirms it on Instagram, that she's a popular persona
Chce by jej polać, spada banderola
Wants me to pour her a drink, the banner falls
To traper polak, mam papier w dłoniach
It's a Polish trapper, I have papers in my hands
Ty jedziesz na metę jak kolaż
You're heading for the finish line like a collage
Fanki mają więcej zdjęć w Iphone'ach, niż ci paparazzi
Fans have more photos on their iPhones than the paparazzi
Ciągle noszę saszete, jakbym nie wracał z wakacji
I still carry this fanny pack like I haven't returned from vacation
Kiedyś byłem jak Da Vinci, testowałem wynalazki
I used to be like Da Vinci, testing inventions
Nie to, że jestem dziś inny, lecz to nie główna z atrakcji, (nie, nie)
Not that I'm different today, but it's not the main attraction, (no, no)
Dziś czuję się jak Aquaman, bo mi się ciągle powodzi
Today I feel like Aquaman, because I'm constantly flooded
Ty wrzucasz zdjęcia do photoshopa, żeby coś sobie dorobić
You upload pictures to Photoshop to add something
Ona jest piękna, Ona jest bella, jak jej to mówie dochodzi
She is beautiful, she is bella, when I tell her this she cums
A ten jej makeup, przy nocy w sesjach, świeci się bardziej od zorzy
And her makeup, during night shoots, shines brighter than the aurora
Moje życie jest jak album, jak mam się bardziej otworzyć?
My life is like an album, how can I open up more?
Każdy chce bym się w to włączył, ja jestem bardziej offowy
Everyone wants me to get involved, I'm more off-duty
Chodzę w czarnych okularach, nawet bez ładnej pogody
I wear black sunglasses, even without nice weather
Chcę tylko ważnej rozmowy i jakiejś fajnej osoby
I just want an important conversation and a cool person
Collage, Collage całe życie tylko collage
Collage, Collage, my whole life is just a collage
Leci tu kolejna fota, ona dała mi followa
Another photo pops up, she followed me
Nie jestem, po nas, jestem w szponach
I'm not, after us, I'm in the claws
Widzę swoją twarz w cudzych telefonach
I see my face on strangers' phones
*Collage, Collage, lei si attacca come colla*
*Collage, Collage, she sticks like glue*
*Metto sempre roba nuova*
*I always wear new stuff*
*So che finirò in una foto*
*I know I'll end up in a photo*
*Fiesta, woah woah, Cessna, vola*
*Fiesta, woah woah, Cessna, fly*
*Guarda giù, vedo l'Europa*
*Look down, I see Europe*
*Salgo su un paio di (?)*
*I climb a couple of (?)*
Se hai il ghiaccio al polso è per le troppe seghe
If you have ice on your wrist it's because you jerk off too much
Io c'ho il ghiaccio al polso, e parlo delle pietre
I have ice on my wrist, and I'm talking about the stones
Bello che le vedi, voglio che le vedi
It's nice that you see them, I want you to see them
Perché prima non avevo niente
Because I had nothing before
Se parlo ascolta, dico cose serie
If I speak, listen, I say serious things
Fra, se parlo è solo perché serve
Bro, if I speak it's only because it's needed
(?) di stime e progetti
(?) of estimates and projects
Guarda il cielo so che siamo benedetti (Belair)
Look at the sky I know we are blessed (Belair)
Lei si attacca come colla (ding)
She sticks like glue (ding)
So di stare con il top-one (Benz)
I know I'm with the top-one (Benz)
Zero Top 5, con la molla
Zero Top 5, with the spring
Questa nuova chart è la borsa
This new chart is the stock market
"'zzo fai?" come un vecchio G se passi in plaza nella zona
"'zzo fai?" like an old G if you pass by the plaza in the area
Sono alle Hawaii quando Veggie vi droppa hot hit fino in Poland
I'm in Hawaii when Veggie drops hot hits all the way to Poland
Prima ora il verde l'ho in tasca
First hour, the green is in my pocket
È primavera e rinasco
It's spring and I'm reborn
Mi fermano sempre e io mi fermo sempre
They always stop me and I always stop
Porto rispetto al mio fan, se
I respect my fan, if
Porta rispetto a Bella-ria
He respects Bella-ria
Svuota la pista al tuo sound, fra
Clear the dance floor to your sound, bro
Sembra che porti mala-ria
It seems like you're carrying mala-ria
Flashano, flashano, flashano
They flash, they flash, they flash
Devono il bene a questo mio successo
They owe the good to this success of mine
Pressano, pressano, pressano
They press, they press, they press
Sale il livello, salgono gli stress
The level rises, the stress rises
Salgono i dindi, aumentano i match
The dindi rise, the matches increase
Questo è un imprinting, fare sti cash
This is an imprinting, making this cash
Lasciami i G se fumo back
Leave me the Gs if I smoke back
Solo gli amici con me nel back
Only friends with me in the back
Collage, Collage całe życie tylko collage
Collage, Collage, my whole life is just a collage
Leci tu kolejna fota, ona dała mi followa
Another photo pops up, she followed me
Nie jestem, ponad, jestem w szponach
I'm not, above, I'm in the claws
Widzę swoją twarz w cudzych telefonach
I see my face on strangers' phones
*Collage, Collage, lei si attacca come colla*
*Collage, Collage, she sticks like glue*
*Metto sempre roba nuova*
*I always wear new stuff*
*So che finirò in una foto*
*I know I'll end up in a photo*
*Fiesta, woah woah, Cessna, vola*
*Fiesta, woah woah, Cessna, fly*
*Guarda giù, vedo l'Europa*
*Look down, I see Europe*
*Salgo su un paio di (?)
*I climb a couple of (?)

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