Zas - Man Gerai - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Zas - Man Gerai

Man Gerai
All Is Good
Man gerai šiąnakt gerai miegojau
Baby, I slept well last night
Atsikėlęs supratau šiandien man bus gerai
Got up and I knew today is going to be alright
Mano boba graži ji turi viską ko reikia
My baby is pretty, she has everything I need
Ir šiąnakt tikrai man buvo gerai
And it was good, so good to be with you, indeed
Mano tačka krūta ji tik nuplauta
My car is the best, it's just been washed
Mano tačka krūta ji užsiveda karto
My car is the best, and it starts right away, no hassle
Ir žinau kur važiuosiu
And I know where I'm going
Kur sutiksiu savo chebrą ir gersiu
Where I'll meet my friends, and drink some alcohol
Ir žinau mums bus gerai
And I know we'll be fine
Man gerai prie šviesoforo
I'm good, I'm at the traffic light
Duodu mažam snargliui keletą litų
I give a few coins to a little beggar
Atvarau į langą randu savo chebrą
I drive to the window and find my friends
Ir man gerai nes ir jiems gerai
And I'm good because they're good, too
Man gerai mes lupam savo starką
I'm good, we're crushing our beer
Mus čia pažįsta ir tai nėra blogai
They know us here, and that's not a bad thing
O barmenas šiandien geras įpila dyką
And the bartender is nice, pours me a free drink
Man gerai man nieko netrūksta
I'm good, I don't lack anything
Man gerai tas yra gerai
I'm good, that's good
Man gerai man nieko netrūksta
I'm good, I don't lack anything
Man gerai man gerai
I'm good, I'm good
Man gerai mes turim parūkyti
I'm good, we have to smoke
Ir gyvenimo spalvos nuo to pašviesėja
And the colors of life brighten up from it
Mes išlendam baro ir sėdam į 2 tačkas
We leave the bar and get into two cars
Oras šiandien geras mums gerai
The weather is good today, we're good
Atsidarom langus garsiai grojam žasus
We open the windows and play loud music
Ir tiems kurie mus girdi irgi gerai
And for those who hear us, it's good too
geriu prie vairo ir man yra pochui
I drink and drive, and I don't care
Manes nestabdys nes man gerai
They won't stop me, because I'm good
Mes pamatom bobas ir jos yra nieko
We see girls, and they're okay
Jos nesilaužo ir varo su mumis
They don't hesitate and ride with us
Mano boba pavydi ar tai problema
My baby is jealous, is that a problem?
Jai blogai tai man gerai
If she's bad for it, it's good for me
Mes šiandien grojam ir tai yra krūta
We play today, and it's the best
Boboms tai patinka labai labai labai
The girls love it, so, so much
Pagroję gausim babkių varysim pabujoti
After the show, we'll get paid and go party
Ir žinau mums bus oi gerai
And I know we'll be oh so good
Koncertas pavyko bobos kratė harus
The concert was a success, the girls danced their hearts out
Mes gavom babų ir varom bujot
We got the girls, and now we're off to party
Važiuojam lėtai kiek tik išgali tačka
We ride slow, just as slow as the car can go
Bet kam skubet mums šiandien gerai
But what's the rush? We're good today
Yra gerti ir mes aišku geriam
There's reason to drink, and we're drinking, of course
Koks idiotas gi elgtųsi kitaip
Who but an idiot would behave differently?
Jau pradeda švisti o dar netrūkęs
It's already getting light, but I'm still not finished
vis dar netrūkęs ir man gerai
I'm still not finished, and I'm good

Авторы: Marijus Berenis, Linas Karalius

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