ДДТ - Khippany - перевод текста песни на английский

Khippany - ДДТперевод на английский

U nas v derevne byli tozhe khippany,
There were hippies in our village too,
No vsekh - uvy! - uzhe davno pozabirali,
But all - alas! - have been jailed long ago,
I ia odin, zaplaty stavia na trusy,
And I'm alone, putting patches on my pants,
Pytaius' vstat', da chto-to nozhki otkazali.
Trying to get up, but my legs have given out.
Da, ia poslednij iz kolkhoznykh mogikan,
Yes, I am the last of the collective farm Mohicans,
Lezhu i plachu, vspominaia vsiu sistemu,
I lie and cry, remembering the whole system,
Kak na stritu taskali druzhno na stakan,
How we used to beg for drinks together in town,
Kak najtovali my s gerloj po klichke Eh-eh-ehmma!
How we spent nights with a clock named Eh-eh-ehmma!
Je-e-e, Pink Flojd!
Ye-e-e, Pink Floyd!
Je-e-e, Pink Flojd!
Ye-e-e, Pink Floyd!
Je-e-e, kajf!
Ye-e-e, high!
Je-e-e, shuzy!
Ye-e-e, shoes!
Vchera zabil ia svoj edinstvennyj kosiak,
Yesterday I smoked my last joint,
Vchera tashchilsia ia poslednij raz na kajfe.
Yesterday I got high for the last time.
Segodnia, vypiv kruzhku chaiu natoshchak,
Today, after drinking a cup of tea on an empty stomach,
Ne smog predstavit', chto fuziu na overdrajve.
I couldn't imagine what a fuzz was on overdrive.
Da, delat' nechego, vylaziat volosa,
Yes, there's nothing to do, my hair is falling out,
Pridiotsia zavtra mne pakhat' na proviant,
Tomorrow I'll have to plow for food,
Poka zhe slushaiu, kak voet ehmigrant,
For now I'm listening like a howling emigrant,
Kakaia tam u nikh, v Amerike, toska...
About how they live in America, in anguish...
Je-e-e..., Pink Flojd!
Ye-e-e..., Pink Floyd!
Je-e-e..., na flehjt!
Ye-e-e..., on the flute!
Je-e-e..., tusovka!
Ye-e-e..., party!
U nas v kommune byl Vasilij osnovnoj,
In our commune, Vasily was the main man,
On tikhij uzhas navodil na vsio selo,
He struck a silent horror into the whole village,
Akh, Vasia, Vasia, pochemu ty ne so mnoj?
Oh, Vasya, Vasya, why aren't you with me?
Ne bili b panki mne po morde ni za chto!
The punks wouldn't have hit me in the face for nothing!
Gde otyskat' mne vashi tertye sledy?
Where can I find your third tracks?
Propali vse, i net nich'ikh koordinat.
All are gone, and there are no coordinates.
A mozhet stopom mne poekhat' v Leningrad,
Maybe I should hitchhike to Leningrad,
A tam najdu khot' odnogo vozle Nevy.
And there I'll find at least one near the Neva.
Khippany, khippany, khippany, khippany. Pink Flojd!
Hippies, hippies, hippies, hippies. Pink Floyd!
Khippany, khippany, khippany.
Hippies, hippies, hippies.
Khippany, khippany, khippany. O gde vy?!
Hippies, hippies, hippies. Where are you?!
Khippany, khippany, khippany. Vermut!
Hippies, hippies, hippies, hippies. Vermouth!
Khippany, khippany, khippany, khippany...
Hippies, hippies, hippies, hippies...

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