ДДТ - Ni shagu nazad - перевод текста песни на английский

Ni shagu nazad - ДДТперевод на английский

Ni shagu nazad
Not One Step Back
Kardiogrammy nochnykh fonarej,
Cardiograms of the night lights,
Vskhlipy serdchno-sosudistykh grez,
Sobs of cardiovascular dreams,
Ryb'i skelety osennikh berez
Fish skeletons of autumn birches
V parandzhe razvrashchennykh vostochnykh dozhdej.
In the veil of swirling eastern rains.
Seroe plamia asfal'tovykh rek,
Gray stain of asphalt rivers,
Kanalizatsionnyj vzgliad
Sewer gaze
Liukov, vpaiannykh v ehtot vek,
Of manholes, soldered into this century,
Skvoz' nikh - tol'ko vniz,
Through them - only down,
No ne nazad!
But not one step back!
Ni shagu nazad, tol'ko vpered,
Not one step back, only forward,
Ehto s soboiu nas noch' zovet.
The night calls us with it.
Kuda poletim? Vverkh ili vniz?
Where will we fly? Up or down?
Ehto otvetit nam nash karniz.
Our cornice will answer us.
Nebo prishito k nam stal'iu antenn.
The sky is sewn to us with the steel of antennas.
Emu nikuda uzhe ne ubezhat'.
It has nowhere to escape.
Veter zagnan v metro. Avtomat-impotent.
The wind is driven into the subway. An impotent machine.
My ne za kontrol', no tak obidno teriat'.
We're not for control, but it's so frustrating to lose.
My liubim plastmassu, uran i beton,
We love plastic, uranium, and concrete,
Edim farmatsevtov, a p'em kerosin.
We eat pharmacists and drink kerosene.
Vmesto sireni - odekolon,
Instead of lilac - cologne,
Iz liuboj erundy vyzhmem chistyj benzin.
We'll squeeze pure gasoline out of any nonsense.
Osen' nastala, zhelteiut doma,
Autumn has come, the houses are turning yellow,
Obletaiut pechal'no sukhimi liud'mi.
Sadly shedding dry people.
Povernulas' k nam zadom starushka-Luna,
The old lady Moon has turned her back on us,
Pod glazom eio sled ot ch'ej-to nogi.
Under her eye, a trace of someone's foot.
Chto svetit nam zavtra, chto greet sejchas?
What shines for us tomorrow, what warms us now?
Na skol'ko udobnej litovannyj krest?
How much more comfortable is a cast-iron cross?
Za ehti voprosy nam Pushkin vozdast,
Pushkin will reward us for these questions,
Rodnia nas ne vydast, a Rejgan ne s'est!
Our family won't give us away, and Reagan won't eat us!

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