かりゆし58 - Athome - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский かりゆし58 - Athome

生まれ育った場所を離れ いくつもの街で
Having left where I was born and raised, in many cities
同じものなんか一つもない とびきりの景色
There was nothing the same, exceptional scenery
その時 その場所にいた誰かがたった一人でも
Someone who was there in that place at that moment, even just one person
Had they been absent, the fateful and miraculous spectacle would not have occurred
ある人は泣いていた だけどその理由までを僕は知らない
A person was crying, but the reason why, I do not know
All I know is that those tears were something precious
A pair of lovers were standing side by side with their shoulders touching
All of the songs belonged to them
いつか いつの日にか どこかでまたあなたに会えるなら
If someday, somewhere, somehow, I should meet you again
どうか その時には他のどんな言葉よりもどうか
When that day comes, instead of any other words, just
ただ笑って ただいまって言ってくれよ アットホームでいよう
Laugh and say, "Welcome home," Let's be at home
ビート スピーカー マイク ハンマリング バレー スラップ マルチコンプ
Beats, speakers, mics, hammering, ballet, slap, multi-comp
その他諸々をフル稼働 たまにブレイク バンドはステージを飾り
Fully operating all the odds and ends, the band occasionally takes a break and decorates the stage
手拍子や歓声 沈黙や熱気が 会場を染める
Clapping and cheering, silence and excitement dye the venue
Tracing each grain of that colorfulness, I caught a glimpse of your face
世界でたった一人 他のどんなものにも代えられない存在
You, the one and only in the world, an irreplaceable being
The scenery that was born because everyone was there
Serves as certain proof that you were there
いつか いつの間にか 時が流れ 忘れてしまっても
If, someday, somehow, as time goes by and it is forgotten
どうかあなたの上 光よあれ 絶え間なく どうか
May light forever shine upon you, ceaselessly, please
離れたって変わったって家族なんだぜ アットホームでいよう
Even though we may live apart or have changed, we are still family, Let's be at home
ヘイ ブロウ マイ ブロウ 変わらないよ
Hey, bro, my bro, it will never change
ヘイ ブロウ いつまでもアットホーム 幸運を祈っている
Hey, bro, always home, I wish you the best

Авторы: 前川 真悟, Kariyusi58, 前川 真悟, かりゆし58

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