カルテット - simply - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский カルテット - simply

ぶつかってばかりの人生だ 自分見失わずに自然体
Life is so full of trials and strife, they say. So don't lose track of yourself. Be real.
ついてない、ついてない... わかっているけど 気付けば口癖みたい
I feel life dealt me a losing hand. In a position of cursed inferior - I sadly find myself so despondent.
もしも、時間を巻き戻せたら 見えない明日が怖くなくなるかな?
If I could only rewind how things began...Could I change my future, make myself more bold?
もしも、自由に飛べるのなら 悩みなんて消えてなくなるのかなぁ?
If I could only truly be free, could I truly be free of my crushing worries?
そんな僕の隣で無防備な 君の笑顔にふっと気付くんだ
As these thoughts rage on, I find myself beside your soft demeanor and genuine smile.
この目は見つめる この耳は感じてる この口は形にしてる
My eyes can see you, my ears take in your words, my mouth speaks my truth to you.
勇気、そんな大層なもんじゃない 空気強く吸い込みもう一回
Courage doesn't have to be grand. I take a deep breath and try again.
見上げればいつもある空の様 僕を待ってる どこへ行っても
I always find the sky above me. It waits for me wherever I go.
例えばあなたがずっと傍に 居てくれたのならそれだけでいい
As long as you are by my side - that's all I'll ever need.
同じ高さでそっと 微笑んだなら空も晴れる
When I smile with you, despite it all, the sky seems so much brighter.
延々と続いてる道の途中 僕らは肩並べて歩いている
Our journey continues along this unknown path, side by side, together.
散々ハシャいだ帰り道の様な 幸せな気分でいつも居たいな
On the way to the end, I want to feel completely content and reassured.
君にも笑っていて欲しくて 拾い集めるように探す答え
I want to see you smile. I'll find the answers to make you happy.
「頑張ってる」こんなに君のため 言い訳に自分を押し付けて
I'm trying my best. All for you - but it always feels like an excuse.
重い荷物を持ってあげたのも 君が離れていってしまわないよう
I carry heavy weights to keep you close. I fear you might slip away.
冷たい雨から庇おうとさした 傘は僕が濡れたくなかったから
I open an umbrella to shield you from the storm - but only because I don't want to get wet myself.
手を繋いで引っ張ってたつもりが 寄りかかっていただけなのかな?
I took your hand to lead you, but perhaps you were only holding me up the whole time.
ポケットの中にしまい込む君の手 優しく温もるただ それだけで
As I hold your hand, all of my worries melt away. Just for a moment.
零れ落ちてゆく 守りたいもの ちっぽけな僕に何ができるの?
I fall short of my protective dreams. What can I do, as someone so insignificant?
なくしてまた探すけど 答えはいつも 単純なこと
I fall, I search, but my answers are always so simple.
与えるつもりで 差し伸べた両手で
When I gave to you, I tried to be loving and supportive.
無い物を奪うように 僕は抱きしめる
But I held you so tightly, I suffocated you.
求めることをやめた時 今がこんなにも愛おしい
When I let go of my need, I can see how precious this moment really is.
僕に出来る事はひとつ... あなたをもっと 愛すること
All I can do is love you more deeply.
例えばあなたがずっと傍に 居てくれたのならそれだけでいい
As long as you are by my side - that's all I'll ever need.
同じ高さでそっと 微笑んだなら空も晴れる 答えはいつも 単純なこと
When I smile with you, despite it all, the sky seems so much brighter. The answers are always so simple.

Авторы: Karutetto & Koji Tsukada

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