カルテット - 恋の七日間 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский カルテット - 恋の七日間

Seven Days of Love
君が駆け回る四六時中 夢まで盗む 8/7感じてたい 許されたなら
You occupy my every waking moment, even stealing my dreams, 8/7 I want to feel it. If allowed
From Sunday to Saturday じゃ もの足りなくて
From Sunday to Saturday is not enough
話し足りない 二人のパラレルワールド
Not enough to say everything in our parallel worlds
大好きな君とキス 甘い時 嬉しい楽しい Happy Week
Kissing you whom I love, a sweet time, happy week, full of joy
二人きりまったりの Sunday のんびりちょっと遅目のお目覚め
Just the two of us on a relaxing Sunday, waking up a little late
君とお出かけ いつもよりもオシャレ 二人の名前彫ったお揃いのブレスレット
Going out with you, more stylish than usual, our matching bracelets engraved with our names
二人だけの思い出 頭の中に全部書き留める
Our memories only for the two of us, I'll write them all down in my head
運命って信じる? 僕は感じる だって君がいる
Do you believe in destiny? I feel it, because you're here
三十億分の一の確率 神様から僕へのサプライズ
A one-in-three-billion chance, a surprise from God for me
今日が終われば明日は Monday 仕事に追われまた会える日まで...
When today ends, tomorrow is Monday, busy with work until we meet again...
叶うならもう一日「君曜日」時間が欲しい Please give me!!
If it were possible, one more day, "YouDay," I need the time, Please give me!!
君が駆け回る四六時中 夢まで盗む 8/7感じてたい 許されたなら
You occupy my every waking moment, even stealing my dreams, 8/7 I want to feel it. If allowed
From Sunday to Saturday じゃ もの足りなくて
From Sunday to Saturday is not enough
話し足りない 二人のパラレルワールド
Not enough to say everything in our parallel worlds
(Sunday) ちゃんと家まで送って (Monday) 待ち合わせ次の Weekend
(Sunday) Making sure to walk you home, (Monday) meeting again next weekend
(Tuesday) もうすでに会いたくって (Wednesday) 真夜中残す留守竃
(Tuesday) Missing you already, (Wednesday) leaving voicemail messages at midnight
(Thursday) 君の小さな左手 (Friday) ずっと握っていたくて
(Thursday) Your tiny left hand, (Friday) I wish I could hold it forever
(Saturday) 欲張って Sunday それでも足りなくって だって僕は
(Saturday) Being greedy for Sunday, still not enough, because I
君色一色 何て Sweet 気付けば君に合わせてるピント
Am obsessed by your color, so sweet, I adjust my focus to match yours
ジンジンと熟くなる Hot 手に触れてもっと 感じたい温度
Ripening with excitement, hot, I want to feel the temperature of your touch
エモーション 高揚してるテンション 液晶の文字すら Take me on
My emotions, my excitement, my rising tension, even the words on the screen are taking me higher
溜め息数える独りの夜 常に思ってる 24/7
Counting my breaths, alone at night, always thinking of you, 24/7
僕が僕じゃなくなるくらいに君が恋しい 会えない日にも君が浮かぶ
You make me forget myself, I miss you so much, and even when we're apart, your image fills my mind
声が聞きたい 会いたくて、会えなくて もどかしい Everynight
I want to hear your voice, I miss you, I can't see you, it's painful, every night
もう止められない いっそこのまま...
I can't stop it anymore, might as well...
恋に落ち変わった世界 君となら
Our world has changed since we fell in love, you and I
どんな些細なことでも ほら、特別に変わるよ
Even the smallest things now seem special
僕が僕じゃなくなるくらいに君が恋しい 会えない日にも君が浮かぶ
You make me forget myself, I miss you so much, and even when we're apart, your image fills my mind
声が聞きたい 会いたくて、会えなくて もどかしい Everynight
I want to hear your voice, I miss you, I can't see you, it's painful, every night
もう止められない いっそこのまま...
I can't stop it anymore, might as well...
君が駆け回る四六時中 夢まで盗む 8/7感じてたい 許されたなら
You occupy my every waking moment, even stealing my dreams, 8/7 I want to feel it. If allowed
From Sunday to Saturday じゃ もの足りなくて
From Sunday to Saturday is not enough
話し足りない 二人のパラレルワールド
Not enough to say everything in our parallel worlds
寝ても覚めても頭ハナレナイ 君にアイタイ もう待ちキレナイ
I can't get you out of my head, I want to see you, I can't wait any longer
孤独が一層君を 輝かすあと何度、夜を明かせばいいの?
Loneliness makes you shine even brighter, how many more nights do I have to endure?
解けない恋の方程式 よりも自分に正直 この気持ち
The unsolvable equation of love, but I'll be honest with myself about my feelings
つまり、月火水木金土日&君曜日 Please give me!!!!
In short, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday & YouDay, Please give me!!!!

Авторы: Karutetto & Koji Tsukada

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