ケツメイシ - いま会いに行く - перевод текста песни на английский

いま会いに行く - ケツメイシперевод на английский

I'm Coming to See You Now
君の顔が見たいだけで 駆け抜けた 街を抜け
Just to see your face, I rushed through the streets, leaving the city behind.
僕は 単純に君を そんな気持ちだけ持って
With that simple feeling, I just want to see you.
君を笑顔にしたいだけで ありふれた服を着て
Just to make you smile, I put on my everyday clothes.
今すぐに走り出す 君の側へ
I'm running to your side right now.
Work that continues late into the night,
Leaving the office around midnight.
明日も朝早く 休みなく
Tomorrow too, early in the morning, without a break,
I wait for the last train on the platform.
Under the same sky I look up at,
Where are you now and what are you doing?
The words "I miss you" and two red hearts,
想い募るほど 胸が痛い
The more my feelings grow, the more my heart aches.
Just texting "I miss you" isn't enough.
I want to talk to you directly,
携帯強く 握りしめて
Clutching my phone tightly,
"Hello?" "Hello, you're working hard. Are you on your way home now?"
「今から行っていい?」「でも...」「今 行くよ!」
"Can I come over now?" "But..." "I'm coming now!"
携帯切る 終電のベル
I hang up the phone, the bell for the last train rings.
時計見る 僕を追い立てる
I look at the clock, it urges me on.
My heart's beating can't be stopped,
この想いは 誰にも越えられない
This feeling can't be surpassed by anyone.
Only my feelings make me run,
二人の距離も 想いが詰める
Our distance is filled with my thoughts.
I jump onto the opposite platform in a hurry,
君の町へと 電車が走り出す
The train starts running towards your town.
今の僕を伝えたくて 駆け抜けた 街を抜け
To convey my current feelings, I rushed through the streets, leaving the city behind.
僕は 今でも君を そんな気持ちだけ持って
Even now, I still feel the same way about you, with that simple feeling.
君を理解したいだけで 張りつめた時を越え
Just wanting to understand you, I overcome the tense time.
今すぐに走り出す 君の側へ
I'm running to your side right now.
メール・携帯も 応答なし
No response from emails or calls,
No other way to contact you.
ならば手に取る受話器 家に電話
Then I pick up the receiver and call your home.
(俺)「もしもし、私田中と申しますが... 亮子さんはご在宅でしょうか?」
(Me) "Hello, this is Tanaka... Is Ryoko home?"
(Dad) "Huh...?"
(Woman) "Dad, tell him she's not here. Tell him she's not here."
後ろからヒソヒソ声 受話器越しかすかに漏れ
Whispering from behind, faintly leaking through the receiver.
居留守使われてる俺 耐えれない一瞬 一蹴!
I can't stand being ignored, I dismiss the moment in a flash!
(Dad) "Ryoko is taking a bath right now..."
熱くなる耳 居留守の意味
My ears heat up, understanding the meaning of the lie.
迫ってる身に これ破局の危機
This is a crisis for our relationship.
Back when we first met,
You were the one,
世界で一番 まぶしい
The most dazzling person in the world.
Losing those fresh feelings,
日ごと仕事 それいい事に
Work every day, using it as an excuse,
おざなり彼女 さみしい事
Neglecting you, making you feel lonely.
手遅れ? いやまだ遅くねぇ
Is it too late? No, it's not too late yet.
Now, it will surely reach you.
More than saying "I love you" a million times,
Now, I just come to see you like this.
ひたすら駆ける 思いはせる程 気持ちはやたらとあせる
Running tirelessly, the more I think about it, the more impatient I become.
あなたがいるから 僕がいれる
Because you are here, I can be here too.
まだ間に合う あなたを抱きしめる
There's still time, I will hold you tight.
いろんな 恋をめざして
Aiming for various kinds of love,
いろんな 夜を飛び出して
Jumping out into various nights,
いろんな 時を駆け出して
Running through various times,
いろんな 君を受け入れて 行く
Accepting various sides of you, I will go on.
君に会いに 君の前に向かって ただ夢中で走り出す
To see you, I run towards you, just losing myself in the moment.
君の顔の 君の声の側にいたくて 走り出す
I want to be by your face, by your voice, so I'm running now.
君の側へ 君の元へ向かって 無我夢中で走り出す
Towards your side, towards you, I run like crazy.
君の顔が見たいだけで 駆け抜けた 街を抜け
Just to see your face, I rushed through the streets, leaving the city behind.
僕は 単純に君を そんな気持ちだけ持って
With that simple feeling, I just want to see you.
君を笑顔にしたいだけで ありふれた服を着て
Just to make you smile, I put on my everyday clothes.
今すぐに走り出す 君の側へ
I'm running to your side right now.

Авторы: 田中 亮, 吉田 大蔵, 田中 亮, 吉田 大蔵

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