ケツメイシ - よる☆かぜ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ケツメイシ - よる☆かぜ

Night Breeze
夜の風浴びたまま 車で感じたまま
Sensing the night breeze pass through my hair as I drive
いっそ光る街中超えて行こう 夜を越えてく
Let's go beyond the shining city lights and into the night
月明かり浴びたまま 星空に感じたまま
Feeling the moonlight on my skin as I gaze at the stars
Let's go beyond the shining city lights and into the night
Let's drive beautifully, without hitting the brakes
楽しいはずさ 今日は君と そう
It's bound to be fun, today, with you, yeah
脱、TVショウ 週末日の今日
Let's ditch the TV shows, it's the weekend today
If I'm with you, I'd rather drive down empty roads
Than laze around watching TV or videos
ぶっ飛ばして車で 車で YO!
Let's blow through the roads in a car, a car, YO!
All the way to that chic town
Woo 街までの道のりやや遠め!
Woo, the road to the town is a bit far!
Let's go as far as we can, or even all the way
Let's give this long drive a try
I'm aiming for that bridge in the distance
月明かりの指す方 君のいる所
Where the moonlight leads, where you are
I'll come for you before sunrise
Let's go, let's go beyond the night together
夜の風 吹かれ 浮かれ疲れ飛ばせ
Let the night wind blow through our hair, lift our spirits
The moonlight shines so gently on me
好きばかりさ 俺ら2人楽しい
We love each other so much, it's all good
夜の風浴びたまま 車で感じたまま
Sensing the night breeze pass through my hair as I drive
いっそ光る街中超えて行こう 夜を越えてく
Let's go beyond the shining city lights and into the night
月明かり浴びたまま 星空に感じたまま
Feeling the moonlight on my skin as I gaze at the stars
Let's go beyond the shining city lights and into the night
Let's drive beautifully, without hitting the brakes
心地良い疲れ ぬるい風吹かれ
Feeling pleasantly tired, as the warm wind blows
二人は車で 日焼け跡比べ
The two of us in the car, comparing our tans
行こーよ どこでもいいよ 朝まで
Let's go, anywhere is fine, till morning
広がった道 明かりは彼方へ
The road stretches out before us, the lights in the distance
海沿いの道 潮風が舞う
The coastal road, the salty breeze dances
左手 海からは波音が鳴る
I can hear the waves crashing from the sea on my left
君は目を閉じて ただ耳を澄ます
You close your eyes and just listen
焼け火照る 頬から 笑みこぼれ出す
A smile spreads across your sunburned cheeks
月明かり 陰った 逆に街明かりだけが鮮やかに
The moonlight fades, but the city lights shine brighter
浮かび 上がる 目の中に
They float up and fill my eyes
はしゃぐ君 見てそのスキに
I watch you laugh and playfully
何気に励む 雰囲気作りに
Try to create a romantic atmosphere
Let's go, let's go even further
西の湾が かかえる岬の方
To the cape that the western bay embraces
小麦色の肩 もたれたまま
Your tanned shoulders leaning against me
このまま 夜風に 吹かれに行こう!
Let's go, let's ride the night wind together!
夜の風浴びたまま 車で感じたまま
Sensing the night breeze pass through my hair as I drive
いっそ光る街中超えて行こう 夜を越えてく
Let's go beyond the shining city lights and into the night
月明かり浴びたまま 星空に感じたまま
Feeling the moonlight on my skin as I gaze at the stars
Let's go beyond the shining city lights and into the night
Let's drive beautifully, without hitting the brakes
After the sun has set
From this land at the very edge of the sea
見渡そう 身を任そう
Let's look out and give ourselves over
賑やかそうに 騒ぐ若者を見つめたのちに
After watching the young people making merry
Yo! 街を抜け 見渡せる限り
Yo! Let's leave the city and look as far as we can see
Fireworks exploding here and there
かなり胸高鳴る 積み重なる
My heart races, my excitement builds
This summer night, your love, and me!
合体中 まさに真っ最中を越えて俺ら
We're in the middle of it all, beyond the climax
Driving in this car, the two of us relaxed, listening to our tunes
Not watching the sunset, just the night sea
二人 きどり 俺ら二人っきり
The two of us alone, just the two of us
The fireworks are amazing
ぶちあたる 二人はかなり甘い
We hit it off, the two of us, so sweet
真夏の夜 7つの願い放つよ
On this midsummer night, I'll make seven wishes
I hope even one of them reaches your heart
I say Wooh Wooh Who
I say Wooh Wooh Who
夜の風に 夏夜の風に
In the night breeze, the summer night breeze
この星空に また月明かりに
Under this starry sky, and in the moonlight
この街の向こうに 見える物語
The story that unfolds beyond the city
To see it with someone, not alone
君に今 見せるため この通り
To show you now, this street
急に光射す 道の模様に
As the light suddenly shines on the road
永久の向こうに 羽ばたけるように
So that we can fly beyond forever
夜の風浴びたまま 車で感じたまま
Sensing the night breeze pass through my hair as I drive
いっそ光る街中超えて行こう 夜を越えてく
Let's go beyond the shining city lights and into the night
月明かり浴びたまま 星空に感じたまま
Feeling the moonlight on my skin as I gaze at the stars
Let's go beyond the shining city lights and into the night
Let's drive beautifully, without hitting the brakes
夜の風浴びたまま 車で感じたまま
Sensing the night breeze pass through my hair as I drive
いっそ光る街中超えて行こう 夜を越えてく
Let's go beyond the shining city lights and into the night
月明かり浴びたまま 星空に感じたまま
Feeling the moonlight on my skin as I gaze at the stars
Let's go beyond the shining city lights and into the night
Let's drive beautifully, without hitting the brakes
I say Wooh Wooh Who
I say Wooh Wooh Who
光る夜を越えていく あの日の
Surpassing the shining night, that day
I say Wooh Wooh Who
I say Wooh Wooh Who
Lost in the shining night
I say Wooh Wooh Who
I say Wooh Wooh Who
I say Wooh Wooh Who
I say Wooh Wooh Who
I say Wooh Wooh Who
I say Wooh Wooh Who
I say Wooh Wooh Who
I say Wooh Wooh Who
I say Wooh Wooh Who
I say Wooh Wooh Who

Авторы: 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮, 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮

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