ケツメイシ - エターナリー - перевод текста песни на английский

エターナリー - ケツメイシперевод на английский

あの日 (あの日) 共に (共に)
That day (that day) together (together)
The meaning we started walking (started walking) is now
(誰も) 彼も (金も) 無くて遠回りした日々
(No one) him either (money) also made a detour
今も (いつでも) 過去も(未来も)
Now (anytime) past and future
If only there were unchanging thoughts
それで いいんじゃない?
Isn't that okay?
Forever beats 重なり合う歩みよ
Forever beats overlaps with steps
Eternally 共に過ごした日々よ
Eternally spent together
Forever beats かけがえのない思いよ
Forever beats irreplaceable thoughts
Eternally 旅は続いて行くんだろ
Eternally the journey will continue
苛立ちばかりで 当てない未来
Frustrated with the future
やれどもやれども 晴れない視界
No matter how much we did, our vision was blurry.
ぶつかる感情 薄まる感動
Conflicting feelings, diminishing excitement
やりたかったの こんなんじゃないよ
This isn't what I wanted.
もう どうすりゃいい?
What should I do?
夢は果てなく 遠くなり
The dream is far away
ただ目指す場所だけは 一緒だった
Only the place I'm aiming for remains the same
お互いに情熱は きっとあった
We both definitely had passion
それぞれの胸に 秘めてる誓い
A vow hidden in each of our hearts
続けてく事で 見えてく光
By continuing, the light will shine
どうせならもっと 高みを見たい
I want to see more if possible
互いを理解 したあの日以来
Since the day we understood each other
壁壊すたび 手応え感じ
Feeling the response every time we break the wall
気付けば この仲間こそが大事
I noticed that this friend is the most important
もう今は 同じ方見ている
We are now looking in the same direction
同じ歩幅で 歩んでいく
Walking at the same pace
Forever beats 重なり合う歩みよ
Forever beats overlaps with steps
Eternally 共に過ごした日々よ
Eternally spent together
Forever beats かけがえのない思いよ
Forever beats irreplaceable thoughts
Eternally 旅は続いて行くんだろ
Eternally the journey will continue
Everyone shouted about their dream
Anything is possible
Like strong little puppies, naked
すぐに叩かれ 社会甘かねぇ
Quickly beaten, society is not sweet.
こいつと比べ あいつと比べ
Compare to this one, compare to that one
会話うわべ 顔見ると疲れ
Conversation is superficial, get tired when I see the face.
He finally said "it's stupid"
The flower of ambition withered
Blaming the difference and asking for more
互い思いやり 無いままに
Without compassion for each other
葛藤 (葛藤) 格闘 (もがくと)
Conflict (conflict), struggle (struggle)
離れて気づいた ありがたみ
I realized the gratitude when I was apart
認め合い 手を伸ばせば
If you acknowledge each other and reach out
孤独じゃない ここ呼ばれた
Not alone, I was called here
この仲間を助け 仲間に掛けて
Help this friend, depend on friends
もう一度目指した夢へ 明日へ
Once again, we aim for the dream, for tomorrow
あの日 (あの日) 共に (共に)
That day (that day) together (together)
The meaning we started walking (started walking) is now
誰も (誰も) (彼も) 彼も迷いだした日々
Everyone (everyone) (him) him also lost days
今も (いつでも) 今も (未来も)
Now (anytime) now (future)
If only there were unchanging thoughts
それで いいんじゃない いいんじゃない
Isn't that okay? Isn't that okay?
Forever beats 重なり合う歩みよ
Forever beats overlaps with steps
Eternally 共に過ごした日々よ
Eternally spent together
Forever beats かけがえのない思いよ
Forever beats irreplaceable thoughts
Eternally 旅は続いて行くんだろ
Eternally the journey will continue

Авторы: 吉田 大蔵, 河野 健太, 吉田 大蔵, 河野 健太

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