ケツメイシ - ケツメイシ工場 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ケツメイシ - ケツメイシ工場

Kets no factory
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造れ 運べ 休むならば後で
Make, transport. Rest later, if you dare.
次から次へ 言葉詰めろ
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造れ 運べ 時にはまじめ顔でサボれ
Make, transport. Sometimes, be serious, but goof off.
99年 東京にて創業から
Since its founding in 1999 in Tokyo,
約8年 無事故で操業
For about 8 years, it has been operating without accidents.
High-quality labor force,
This factory with its rich imagination,
時間と知恵 ひねり生み出す
Squeezes out time and wisdom,
作る銀盤 匠の技繰り出す
Creates silver discs, the technique of a master.
音楽産業 貢献の為に
For the music industry,
Daily, a down-to-earth challenge of making things.
ダラダラ 朝から汗流した所で
Relaxed, we sweat from morning till night,
成功の当てはない でも
There is no guarantee of success, but,
こちとら売りは 産地直送
We sell directly from the source.
たたき出す 売り上げ 何位? 独走
Knocking out sales – what rank? – unstoppable.
目指しやります 描きやり出す
We aim and start drawing.
この際 デカイ花咲かします
This time, we'll make a big splash.
無い頭ひねる 今日も相当
Racking our nonexistent brains, today too,
それが言わずと知れた ケツメ工場
That's the unspoken Ketsme factory.
生み出す この心で
These are the feelings we produce,
絞り出す 力技で
Squeezed out with brute force,
造り出す この4人で
Made by these four,
サボりだす あの裏山の木陰
Slacking off in the shade of the woods behind the mountain.
また湧いちゃう 溢れ出しちゃう
It wells up again, it overflows again,
栓でもしなけりゃ 漏らしちゃう程
If you don't put a cork in it, it will leak out so much,
次々積まれる 山の製品
The products pile up on the mountain,
過労死寸前 中の全員
Everyone inside is on the verge of dying from overwork,
でもこの工場 どうやら今日も
But this factory, it seems, still today,
働き手は4人 小企業よ
Only has four workers – a small business.
生まれては世に出す かなり大作
They are born and released to the world, quite the masterpiece.
ギャルむせび泣く やばいバイナル
Chicks weep; it's a hot vinyl.
定時 残業 お構いなく
Regular hours, overtime, we don't care.
なんなら朝まで 夜またぎます
We'll even work all night long.
無数の言葉 地味に並べ
Countless words lined up, dull,
異なる音が 響きを重ね
Different sounds, echoing.
Right on schedule from morning towards the quota,
汗かき4人 それぞれ奮闘
Four sweaty people, each doing their best.
Our motto: with a smile and with sincerity,
本物だけ あなたへお届け
We deliver only the real thing to you.
生み出す この心で
These are the feelings we produce,
絞り出す 力技で
Squeezed out with brute force,
造り出す この4人で
Made by these four,
サボりだす あの裏山の木陰
Slacking off in the shade of the woods behind the mountain.
まず 仮生産から大変な問題にあたり
First, from virtual production to a serious problem,
改善策で 再生産と張り切り
A solution for reproduction and enthusiasm,
山の工場 貸し切り
The mountain factory is rented out.
限りなく積まれた 材料と仕事内容
Materials and jobs are piled up.
負けないよう 手と手取り合い
So that we don't lose,
Flow work,
ハイ音出して ハイお隣へ
Make a sound and pass it on to the next person.
点検は厳しさを増す 年々
Year after year, the inspection gets stricter.
音飛び 傷あり 見抜いていく
Skips and scratches are detected.
最後 パート田中 二重チェック
The last part, Tanaka, double-checks.
皆で共に 愛情注ぎ
Together, we put our love into it,
A masterpiece made with care.
違法コピー もう焼かないで
No more illegal copies.
Don't sell them used.
次から次へ 言葉詰めろ
Next from next wordpack
a i u e o
造れ 運べ 休むならば後で
Make, transport. Rest later, if you dare.
次から次へ 言葉詰めろ
Next from next wordpack
a i u e o
造れ 運べ 時にはまじめ顔でサボれ
Make, transport. Sometimes, be serious, but goof off.
河野部長が 種まいて
Director Kohno sows the seeds,
大塚専務が 切り裂いて
Executive Director Otsuka cuts it up,
吉田社長 拾い出して
President Yoshida picks it up,
パート田中 また切り裂くの
Part-timer Tanaka cuts it up again.
ハイ点検 切れ電源
Inspection, cut the power.

Авторы: 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮, 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮

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