ケツメイシ - ケツメンサンバ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ケツメイシ - ケツメンサンバ

酒だ 呑めや 歌え 気の合う仲間で(酔うまで 吐くまで)
Sake, let's drink and sing with friends we love (until we're drunk and sick)
晴れた陽気が 誘う 陽のあたる所へ(もちオレ 酔いどれ)
The sunny weather is calling, to where the sun shines (definitely me, a drunk)
The flowers and verdure start to show their colors
陽の光 風もさらに良い
The sunlight, the wind is even better
今日は何日? 何時? で何曜日?
What day is it today? What time is it? What day of the week?
とかどうでもいい 気にしない様に
It doesn't matter, let's not worry about it
気の合う仲間で 昼間から酒
With friends we love, alcohol from the afternoon
駆け足 来た時間 取り返すまで
Run, make up for the time we came
ここに来れば大丈夫 なんて
Ah, here I am, it's all right
思う 俺がまかり通る
I think I'll get my way
Ah, the wind feels so good
The sunrays fall gently
Today the weather is so nice, I feel like drinking
I'd like to call anyone
Talking to the cat taking a nap
ノーリアクション かなり泣ける
No reaction, makes me very sad
呼ばれてない 喜ばれてもない
I'm not invited, I'm not welcome
Then I'll get drunk and do a bare-handed pull-up
昼下り 空の下 呑むわ 心地いいわ たまにはいいな
Afternoon, under the sky, I'll drink, I feel so good, it's nice sometimes
人だかり 気にしないで呑むわ なんだかいいな 酔いどれリーダー
Crowds, don't mind me, I'll drink, somehow I feel good, a drunk leader
Ah, the wind feels so good
昼間から 酔いどれの舞
Afternoon, the drunkard's dance
余計な物は捨てて 皆で乾杯!
Let's get rid of everything unnecessary and have a toast together!
With the bodies we were born with, let's say cheers!
耳から視界 全部かすれ
My ears and sight are all blurred
右から左 全部忘れ
From right to left, I forget it all
また酒に手がきてる やけに目が
My hands reach for the alcohol again, my eyes are really
酔いどれ呑んどけ 自分追いこめ
Drunkards should drink and corner themselves
愚痴ばかりの ストレス人間
Complaining men full of stress
仕事ばかりの 真面目な人間
Serious men who work all the time
人間はどうあるべき やっぱり素敵に輝くべき
How should people be? They should definitely shine wonderfully
ならベンチで一日中 いびきかくほどリラックス
Then snore on a bench all day long, so relaxed
気楽に 楽に楽に生きて やるべき時が 来たら 本気で
Easy, easy, easy life, when it's time to do it, seriously
酒だ 呑めや 歌え 気の合う仲間で(酔うまで 吐くまで)
Sake, let's drink and sing with friends we love (until we're drunk and sick)
晴れた陽気が 誘う 陽のあたる所へ(もちオレ 酔いどれ)
The sunny weather is calling, to where the sun shines (definitely me, a drunk)
道行く人に 皆にあいさつ
Say hello to everyone passing by
Smile when I'm drunk
近所 白い目 俺一人で
Neighbors give me the evil eye, all by myself
走り出すチャリ 立ち漕ぎで
Start running, ride a bicycle, pedal standing up
休みだから 朝からダラダラ
Since it's a day off, I'll laze around from morning
酒を呑むのは 晴れた日だから
I drink alcohol only on sunny days
理由はない 今呑みたいだけ
There's no reason, I just want to drink now
Even when I drink and get drunk, I don't find the answer
It's manly to have a beer when you wake up
呑むなら 陽のあたる所がいい
If you're going to drink, drink in the sun
あの太陽に誘われ おでかけ
Invited by the sun, let's go out
Just follow the voice in my heart
歩いて向かう先は 笑顔満載の寛大な街並
Walking towards the smiling, magnanimous cityscape
ひとたび 取り出すは 隠し持ってた 缶ビール
Pull out what I've been hiding, a canned beer
呑んでもいいかい? (呑んだら やん)
Can I drink it? (If I drink, hey, no)
こんなんでいいかい? (そんなんが やん)
Is this okay? (That's not okay, hey)
酒だ 呑めや 歌え 気の合う仲間で(酔うまで 吐くまで)
Sake, let's drink and sing with friends we love (until we're drunk and sick)
晴れた陽気が 誘う 陽のあたる所へ(もちオレ)
The sunny weather is calling, to where the sun shines (definitely me)
昼下り 空の下 呑むわ 心地いいわ たまにはいいな
Afternoon, under the sky, I'll drink, I feel so good, it's nice sometimes
人だかり 気にしないで呑むわ なんだかいいな 酔いどれリーダー
Crowds, don't mind me, I'll drink, somehow I feel good, a drunk leader
風を感じて 空を見上げて 陽気はカンカンデリーダー
Feel the wind and look up at the sky, the sun is shining brightly, the leader
人目感じて 気にせず呑んで 気分は優越感 団らんでいいわ
Feel a sense of superiority when I ignore the gazes of others, it's nice to be in a group
呑んでもいいかい? (呑んだら やん)
Can I drink it? (If I drink, hey, no)
こんなんでいいかい? (そんなんが やん)
Is this okay? (That's not okay, hey)
呑んでもいいかい? (呑んだら やん)
Can I drink it? (If I drink, hey, no)
こんなんでいいかい? (そんなんが やん)
Is this okay? (That's not okay, hey)

Авторы: 田中 亮, 吉田 大蔵, 田中 亮, 吉田 大蔵

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