ケツメイシ - スタート - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ケツメイシ - スタート

君を置いてけぼりには 決してしないけど
I'll never leave you behind,
準備しないと 出掛けられないよ
but we have to get ready to go.
君と僕が立つ場所が スタート
The place where you and I stand is the starting line.
旗を振り 外に飛び出すよ
Now, wave the flag and let's head outside.
Go Go Go Go 321 ストップ
Go Go Go Go 321 Stop
Go Go Go Go
Go Go Go Go
スタートライン 足元書き出し
Start line, starting out.
Setting off on a journey to the infinite beyond.
何処まで行けるの? 飛べるの?
How far can we go? How high can we fly?
Where can we call the finish line?
何を待ってる 風が去ってく
What are we waiting for? The wind is fading.
既に夢の入り口には 立ってる
We're already standing at the entrance to our dreams.
行こうぜ 幕が開く
Let's go, the curtain is rising.
ここでぼんやりしてたら 明日が泣く
If we just stand here, tomorrow will cry.
腰にぶら下げた 粋な価値観と
With the stylish values we carry around our waists,
the beginning is always a gamble.
試みのもとに驚き 桃の木求めて転げて行こう
Let's try to find the peach tree of surprise.
山があるから で登ればいい
If there's a mountain, we'll climb it.
種火があるなら それ灯せばいい
If there's a spark, we'll light it.
ハングリー精神 Let'sだgo欲
Hungry spirits, let's go, let's go.
Let's eat until we burp.
ピークまでもうちょっと 気分は上々
Almost to the peak, feeling great.
進むべき方向 照らす光なら光々
If it's a light that shows the way forward, it's shining brightly.
And there's no mistaking it, so rest assured.
行くしかない Here we go Yo!
The only way is forward, here we go yo!
勢いのみの 意気込み
Momentum only, enthusiasm
固い意志のみ 詰め込んだ道のり
Solid determination, path filled with.
千鳥足で 何故か右より
Stumbling along, somehow more to the right.
でも位置について ヨーイドン
But get set, get ready, go!
スタート地点 心色めき出す
Starting point, heart pounding.
バッチリ眼も 一重になる
Even my single eyelid is wide open.
ホラ その旗振り落とされたとたん
Look, as soon as that flag drops,
何かが始まる そんな予感
Something's about to start, I can feel it.
さあ いっせいのせい 見つけ行こうぜ
Come on, let's find it together.
到底 そこまで 行けないとこへ
To a place we couldn't possibly reach alone.
今しかない 準備いいかよ?!
There's no time like the present. Are you ready?!
置いてかれるな ついてきな
Don't get left behind, follow me.
君が風になる 僕は風に乗る
You become the wind, I'll ride the wind.
僕が光り出す 君は輝き出す
As I start to shine, you'll start to glow.
Here we go Let's go
Here we go, let's go.
君と飛び立つ 光る夢抱えて 動き出す
You and I take off, carrying our shining dreams, starting to move.
前方 未だゴール見えず
Ahead, the finish line still out of sight.
先行する思い 夢は消えず
Our dreams, running ahead, never fading away.
走り続けよう 止まることなく
Let's keep running, never stopping.
Our journey together will never end.
How many more miles to the next goal?
高らかに響く 始まりの合図
The starting signal resounds.
決めた時点 スタート地点
The starting point is the moment you decide.
未練捨て立ち向かう 危険や試練
Leaving behind regrets, facing dangers and trials.
シワ寄る眉間 でも上げる視線
Frowning brows, but eyes looking up.
飛び出したら 人の意見は聞けん
Once you've taken the plunge, there's no listening to others.
見えない先は 行けないかしら?
Can we reach the destination that's out of sight?
挑む荒波 理想は高い
Challenging the rough waves, our ideals are high.
君そこに立つ 僕ここに立つ
You stand there, I stand here.
みぃ ふぅ ひぃ 飛び出す
Mi fu hi, let's take the leap.
刻一刻 押し迫ったKick Off!
Every moment, the Kick Off! draws near.
隅でうずくまって ただジッとしてたって
Huddled in a corner, just sitting there,
nothing will start.
一度走り出したら 先は長いから
Once you start running, the road ahead is long.
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
進むべき 目の前に広がるステージ
The stage ahead, stretching out before us.
見境のない トライ並みじゃない
Indiscriminate, my tries are unparalleled.
If you're prepared, you have nothing to worry about.
ビビってる心が 当然のツラで
My cowardly heart, with its usual face,
ドでかい機会を 通せんぼする
blocking my way to a huge opportunity.
ヘタレ心捨て 目指せとことん
Throw away your cowardly heart, aim for the ultimate.
もうしませんなど 申しません!
I'll never say never!
懲りない心で 無問題
With an unyielding heart, no problem.
性懲りのあるヤツに 猛反対
I'm fiercely opposed to those who give up easily.
こうあるべきなど 壊すべき
What should be is meant to be broken.
ただどうあるべきかに 到達せい... や!
Just reach how it should be... yeah!
君を置いてけぼりには 決してしないけど
I'll never leave you behind,
準備しないと 出掛けられないよ
but we have to get ready to go.
君と僕が立つ場所が スタート
The place where you and I stand is the starting line.
旗を振り 外に飛び出すよ
Now, wave the flag and let's head outside.
Go Go Go Go 321 ストップ
Go Go Go Go 321 Stop
Go Go Go Go
Go Go Go Go
君が風になる 僕は風に乗る
You become the wind, I'll ride the wind.
僕が光り出す 君は輝き出す
As I start to shine, you'll start to glow.
You become the wind.
(そう! どこまでも果てしなく
(Yes! Forever and ever,
優しく吹き抜ける そんな風になる)
gently blowing through, that's the kind of wind you'll be.)
I'll ride the wind.
(瞑想! 目ん玉つむって 走り込む
(Meditation! Close your eyes and run,
派手に飛ぶチャリから 風に乗る)
flying over the rough terrain on my bike, riding the wind.)
I start to shine.
(エイヨ! 誰とも異なり どこにもねぇもの
(Hey! Unlike anyone else, something not found anywhere,
音に乗せて 俺は光り出す)
riding my sound, I start to shine.)
You start to glow.
(光る個性の 彼方に舞う
(Your individuality's light, dancing far away,
来たる風になり 輝き出す)
becoming the wind that's to come, you start to glow.)
君に僕に 明日にこの始まりに
To you, to me, to tomorrow, to this new beginning.

Авторы: 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮, 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮

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