ケツメイシ - 上がる - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ケツメイシ - 上がる

上がり上がる 人間の性(バイオリズム変えるこのリズムに)
Soaring, soaring the nature of humans (this rhythm changing biorhythms)
Notice (get up, baby)
上がるか否か 今の君のままか
Soar or not, will you stay the way you are now?
回り回る 人間の中(君のイズム試すこのリズムに)
Revolving inside the human (this rhythm testing your ISM)
If you're going to follow through (get excited, baby)
上がるか否か 過去の君のままか
Soar or not, will you stay the way you were in the past?
皆立ってる もう立ち上がってるなら
Everyone's already standing, so if you're already standing up,
勝ち上がる為に 戦ってく
We'll fight to win
その道はイバラ 嫌なら今から
That path is thorny if you don't like it now
立ち去れ 負け犬気分は如何
Leave, how's that loser feeling
上見たら全くきりが無い 下見たら成すなく意味は無い
If you look up, there's no end in sight, and if you look down, there's no point in doing so
勝ち上がること まずそれだけを 夢みりゃいいぜ
Just dream of winning
口だけなら ただほざいてろ
If you're just talking, just keep blabbering
胸に 大志 抱いてろ
Always have dreams and ambitions in your heart
今更 傷なめ合う暇は無い
It's too late to lick your wounds now
今から 直ぐ立たなきゃ 光らない
I have to get up now and go or I won't shine
そう 他でないお前が その手を伸ばせば
So it's not someone else, it's you who's reaching out
掴める 答えが
You can grasp the answer
ここまでと思えば 成り下がるだけ ならば
If you think this is it, you're just going to go downhill if you do that
ここまで来たら 後は成り上がるだけ
If you've come this far, you're just going to rise from here
足元踏みしめ 拳固め
Set foot and fist
常に勝ち上がれ そして 成り上がれ
Always win and rise up
俺らは思う いつもこれからと
We always think about the future
望むしかないならば 声枯らそう
If there's nothing to wish for, let's shout
誇り望み ここにあるヤツが残り
Pride and aspirations here remain
まず 立つ 勝つ 立ち上がるここに
First, stand, win, oneself, stand up here
There's no "too late" in chasing dreams
だが 立ち上がらなきゃ お呼びは無し
But if you don't get up, you won't get called
飛び立て 感じろよ その追い風
Fly, feel the tailwind
立ち上がれ かませ 成り上がるまで
Get up, fire, rise up
上がるか 下がるか 今のままか
Are you rising or falling, staying the same as now?
答えは 己の心の中
The answer lies in your own heart
立ち止まるか 勝ち続けるのか
Will you stop or keep winning?
欲に溺れ 甘える 人の弱さ
Drowning in desire and indulging in human weakness
気付いた時には 間に合わない
It'll be too late when you realize
そこのお前が立たなきゃ 始まらない
If you don't stand up there, it won't start
あぁ 気合い入れて這い上がれ
Oh, get pumped up and crawl up
己の力で 立ち上がれ
Stand up with your own strength
降りかかる災難も 問題にしない
Don't mind the sudden disaster
それだけ 日々 try try my life
Just try, try my life every day
行き急いだ足取りも 後悔しない
No regrets about rushing to your feet
それだけ 日々 try try my life
Just try, try my life every day
道理 不条理 その通りと行儀良く
Reasonably, unreasonably, that's right, and well-behaved
自分になりきれず 揺れる
I can't be myself and I'm swaying
道理 不条理 見極めろ 調子良く
Reasonably, unreasonably, judge well and cheerfully
自分になるために 揺れる
I'm swaying to become myself
道理 不条理 その通りと行儀良く
Reasonably, unreasonably, that's right, and well-behaved
心揺れ動き 震える
My heart is shaking and trembling
道理 不条理 見極めろ 調子良く
Reasonably, unreasonably, judge well and cheerfully
生きるすべ 隠しきれぬ 救世主
The way to live, the savior you can't hide
君は何処へ向かうの 明日に何を望むの
Where are you headed? What do you want for tomorrow?
疲れた身体で 空を見ながら
Looking at the sky with a tired body
走り出したfar away 視線そらさぬまま
Running far away without looking away
上り詰める意味を 語りながら
Talking about the meaning of climbing up

Авторы: 田中 亮, 吉田 大蔵, 田中 亮, 吉田 大蔵

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