ケツメイシ - 幸せをありがとう - перевод текста песни на английский

幸せをありがとう - ケツメイシперевод на английский

Thank You for the Happiness
Like a prayer for the happiness of two souls entwined,
A day of smiles for the happy couple, side by side.
待ちに待った今日の晴れ舞台 腫れぼったい目の理由
This long-awaited stage, the reason for my puffy eyes,
昨日眠れず過去を思い返す いろいろと君と二人あった事
Last night, sleepless, reminiscing about our past, the many things we shared.
そうとう意地張り合って ケンカも夜遅くまで続いて
We were so stubborn, our fights lasting late into the night,
でもあきらめず話しあって その成果が今日のこの晴れ舞台
But we never gave up, talking it out, and the result is this stage today.
いつもそばにいてくれた 支えてくれた つらくても笑顔絶やさなかった
You were always by my side, supporting me, never losing your smile even when it was tough.
それでわかった 俺に大切なのは君の事
That's when I knew, you are what matters to me.
そんなくさい言葉も 溜めた涙も君のためだと
Those cheesy words, those held-back tears, they were all for you.
この場所で誓いたい 誓い合いたい
I want to vow here, we want to vow to each other,
The happiness you and I have now.
君がくれた幸せを ありのままに形にしよう
The happiness you gave me, let's give it shape, just as it is.
We vow to each other,
ずっと続く幸せを 神の前に約束しよう
Let's promise before God, the happiness that will last forever.
For the two of us, now.
いつでも居たいから いつまでも居たい そう
I want to be with you always, forever, yes.
思い出したふたりは ここに手をつないだ
Remembering our past, we stand here, hand in hand.
雨の日 晴れの日も ふたりならば前向きに
Rainy days, sunny days, if we're together, we can face them head-on.
生きていける どんな苦悩・苦労も負けずに
We can live on, not losing to any hardships or struggles.
いろいろとあって 好き勝手やって
We went through so much, doing things our own way,
やがてふたりこうやって 向き合って立って
And now, here we are, standing face to face.
君がくれた幸せは 俺自身を光らせ
The happiness you gave me makes me shine,
その全てはみな 俺自身の力で
And all of it is through my own strength.
楽な道ばかり あるわけはないが もう
There won't always be easy paths, but,
ひとりではない さみしい道のりではない
I'm not alone, the journey is no longer lonely.
この先に待つ いくつもの試練に
The many trials that await us ahead,
ふたり思い出す 今日という記念日
We will remember this day, this anniversary.
つらい思い分かち合い わかり合い
Sharing the pain, understanding each other,
だしたあの日以来 喜びは二倍
Since that day, our joys have doubled.
だからこの先も居たい 共にこの先を見たい
So I want to be by your side, I want to face the future together.
晴れ舞台立って交わす あなたとの誓い
Standing on this stage, exchanging vows with you,
ここから先は一人ではない 涙する時は俺の胸に
From here on, I'm not alone, when you cry, lean on my chest.
つまづいたらつかまりなこの腕に いつでも君のそばに
If you stumble, hold onto this arm, I'll always be by your side.
ここから先いつまでも二人 同じ夢を見て共に歩き
From here on, forever together, sharing the same dreams, walking hand in hand.
長い道だが変わらずこの胸に 今日の日この気持ち忘れない
It's a long road, but this feeling in my heart won't change, I won't forget this day, this feeling.
初めて出会ってからの今まで いくつの愛の言葉交わしたっけ
Since we first met, how many words of love have we exchanged?
最高の男でないけど 君を想う気持ち誰にも負けない
I may not be the perfect man, but my love for you is unmatched.
何を君にしてあげられると考える時 幸せになれる
When I think about what I can do for you, I feel happy.
幸せは手を広げて求めるものでなく つないだ手の中に生まれる
Happiness isn't something you seek with open arms, it's born within the hands you hold.
この先何があるかわからないが 君を離さない その笑顔絶やさない
I don't know what lies ahead, but I won't let you go, I'll keep that smile on your face.
今までの涙させたことが 謝る俺を大人にした
The times I made you cry, apologizing for them made me a better man.
君の前誓う愛を 神の前 誓いたい
Before you, I vow my love, before God, I want to vow now.
晴れ舞台に立つ二人 今日旅立つ
The two of us stand on this stage, embarking on a journey today.
The bells of happiness ring in our hearts.
君がくれた幸せを ありのままに形にしよう
The happiness you gave me, let's give it shape, just as it is.
We vow to each other,
ずっと続く幸せを 神の前に約束しよう
Let's promise before God, the happiness that will last forever.
For the two of us, now.
Like a prayer for the happiness of two souls entwined,
A day of smiles for the happy couple, side by side.
Like a prayer for the happiness of two souls entwined,
A day of smiles for the happy couple, side by side.
Like a prayer for the happiness of two souls entwined,
A day of smiles for the happy couple, side by side.

Авторы: 大塚 亮二, 吉田 大蔵, 大塚 亮二, 吉田 大蔵

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