ケツメイシ - 恋の終わりは意外と静かに - перевод текста песни на английский

恋の終わりは意外と静かに - ケツメイシперевод на английский

The End of Love Is Surprisingly Quiet
君が置いた テーブルの側
By the table you left
君が見つけてきた 二人掛けのソファー
The two-seater sofa you found
今でもそこに 君が座ってるように思えた
It still feels like you're sitting there
君が並べた 揃いの歯ブラシ
The toothbrushes you lined up
ニ人で選んだ 色違いの箸
The differently colored chopsticks we chose together
いつまでもそこで 君が笑ってるような気がした
It always feels like you're laughing there
In the fragrance you left behind
I remain the same as I was that day
浮かんで消える 面影逃げる
Fading in and out, the memories escape
未だ続く 胸の痛みは癒えず
The pain in my chest continues, not healing
The sunlight reaching into the room fades
Time passes, leaving me behind
思い出浮かぶ度 涙で滲む
Every time memories resurface, tears well up
The sound of the clock echoes softly
I can't do anything without you
もう語れない もう笑えない
I can't talk anymore, I can't laugh anymore
繰り返し 振り返り
Over and over, I look back
Noticing this body
その意味 それからの日々
Its meaning, and the days that have passed since
Will the passing time heal me?
胸の隙間 何が満たすのか
What will fill the void in my chest?
So many sleepless nights
また静かに迎える 孤独の朝
A lonely morning quietly approaches again
「ごめんね」と言って 去って行く君
You who said, "I'm sorry"
振り向かず 泣きながら去る意味
Meaning to leave without looking back, crying
追いかけられず 立ちつくすオレは
Unable to follow, I stand frozen
言葉さえも 声も 君の名も呼べないよ
I can't even speak, call out your name
こんな日が いつか来るかなんて
That such a day would come
話した頃 君は笑ってたのに
When you were laughing as we talked about it
You're no longer here
You'll never come back
The end of love is surprisingly quiet
部屋を見渡せば 思い出ばかり
Looking around the room, it's filled with memories
君が去ってから 早二年余り
You've been gone for two years
一人取る食事も 慣れたよとうに
I've long since gotten used to eating alone
なんて言って また思い出す夜に
But on nights like this, I remember again
僕の胸 ポッカリあいた穴
The hole in my chest, gaping
思い出も こんなに抱いたまま
Holding onto so many memories
望み何処に 届けるこの思い
Where should I direct these thoughts?
心に錘 今君は何処に?
The weight on my heart, where are you now?
一人にはこの部屋 広すぎて
This room is too large for one person
出会いと別れが 通りすぎて
Encounters and partings come and go
忘れたいが忘れない 振り払って歩けない
I want to forget but I can't, I can't move on
君との出会い それからの事は失くせない
Meeting you, and the days since, I can't lose them
失って感じる 大切さ
Losing it makes me realize its importance
今となっては 無い解決策
Now there's no solution
楽しい日々など あっという間に
The happy days passed by in an instant
この恋の終わり 意外と静かに
The end of this love is surprisingly quiet
「ごめんね」と言って 去って行く君
You who said, "I'm sorry"
振り向かず 泣きながら去る意味
Meaning to leave without looking back, crying
追いかけられず 立ちつくすオレは
Unable to follow, I stand frozen
言葉さえも 声も 君の名も呼べないよ
I can't even speak, call out your name
こんな日が いつか来るかなんて
That such a day would come
話した頃 君は笑ってたのに
When you were laughing as we talked about it
You're no longer here
You'll never come back
The end of love is surprisingly quiet
置き去りになった 僕の想いが
The thoughts I left behind
行き場所を求め 部屋に居座る
Search for a place to go, remaining in the room
君に言えなかった 言葉だけを
Only the words I couldn't say to you
つなぎ合わせても 君はもういなくて
Stitching them together, but you're no longer here
君が置いた テーブルの側
By the table you left
君が見つけてきた 二人掛けのソファー
The two-seater sofa you found
今でもそこに 君が座ってるように思えた
It still feels like you're sitting there
君が並べた 揃いの歯ブラシ
The toothbrushes you lined up
ニ人で選んだ 色違いの箸
The differently colored chopsticks we chose together
いつまでもそこで 君が笑ってるような気がした
It always feels like you're laughing there

Авторы: 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮, 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮

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