Ketsumeishi - 新生活 - перевод текста песни на английский

新生活 - ケツメイシперевод на английский

New Life
旅立ちの空 桜色 新しい風 吹き吹かれ
Our new beginning is cherry blossom-colored. A new wind is blowing, my dear.
まだ見ぬ仲間思いはせ 別れもあれば出会いある
I am longing for friends I haven't met yet. As there are farewells, there are also new encounters.
旅立ちの空 桜色 新しい風 吹き吹かれ
Our new beginning is cherry blossom-colored. A new wind is blowing, my dear.
まだ見ぬ仲間思いはせ 別れもあれば出会いある
I am longing for friends I haven't met yet. As there are farewells, there are also new encounters.
町の桜並木 花は八分咲き 季節は春 心躍る
Cherry trees line the streets of the town, and the flowers are in full bloom. It's springtime, and my heart is racing.
春の匂い 空は青い ほろ酔い気分で辺り漂い
The scent of spring is in the air, and the sky is blue. I'm feeling a little tipsy as I wander around.
これから新生活 オレらは マイク チェック ワン ツー
A new life is about to begin. We're ready to give it our all.
Of course, we won't always be successful.
But when we start something, we won't give up until the very end.
Let's start fresh and do our best.
Let's set our starting positions and give it our all.
Is that all there is to it? Will our new life be a breeze?
I'm leaving behind a room that's now empty.
ちょっと背伸び ふわっとあくび 5月6月と月日はめぐり
I stretched my back and yawned. As the months of May and June pass, I begin to feel bored.
中だるみ 酒に溺れるな! 新鮮だったあの頃の気持ち忘れるな!
Don't drown in alcohol! Don't forget the excitement you felt when you first started out!
ニューライフ 夢のバイブ見つけ外に飛び出す 新生活みんなにあいさつ
New life, I'm finding my groove and stepping out into the world. New life, I'm meeting new people all the time.
スカートをめくりめくる春一番 毎晩 だんだん夢見心膨らむ
A spring breeze lifts your skirt, and every night my dreams grow wilder.
ニューライフ 夢のバイブ見つけ外に飛び出す 新生活みんなにあいさつ
New life, I'm finding my groove and stepping out into the world. New life, I'm meeting new people all the time.
スカートをめくりめくる春一番 毎晩 だんだん夢見心膨らむ
A spring breeze lifts your skirt, and every night my dreams grow wilder.
旅立ちの空 桜色 新しい風 吹き吹かれ
Our new beginning is cherry blossom-colored. A new wind is blowing, my dear.
まだ見ぬ仲間思いはせ 別れもあれば出会いある
I am longing for friends I haven't met yet. As there are farewells, there are also new encounters.
つらい体験 待つ世間 旅立ちから始まる価値ある日々に徹す
There will be difficult times and challenges in life. But let's face them all together head-on.
逸す いざ進む 最高の栄光つかめよ 追えよ
Don't let them defeat you. Keep moving forward and chase your dreams.
新しいは つまり 楽し 悲し 出逢い 別れ はなればなれ 哀れ
Newness means happiness, sadness, encounters, farewells, separation, and sorrow.
それぞれの道へ 進む君へ どれほどの意思で崩せよ壁
To each their own path. As you move forward, remember the strength of your will.
3月はそう別れの時 皆それぞれの道へはばたく
March is a time of farewells. Everyone is spreading their wings and leaving for their own paths.
でもオレらはずっと共に歩こう これからもずっとこの先も
But let's always remember to support each other, both now and in the future.
春からはじまる新生活 でもオイラは マイク チェック ワン ツー
My new life begins in spring, but I'm ready to give it my all.
朝から揺られる満員電車 たまのオアシスとなりのオネーチャン
I'm jostled about in crowded trains every morning, but sometimes I catch a glimpse of a cute girl beside me.
思うと気が重い企業戦士 でも振り返らず一歩一歩前進
Being a corporate warrior can be tiring, but I keep moving forward, one step at a time.
成りたかねぇ 会社の歯車 はまらんぜ 社会のルールは
I don't want to become a cog in the company's machine. I won't conform to societal norms.
旅立ち たちまち 犯した過ち 即ち それは病み闇み 暗闇
As soon as I started out, I made mistakes. They were like a dark cloud, obscuring my path.
苛立ちから 高鳴る さらなる 夢に向けて 君の背中にそっと押す
Frustration builds inside me, but it fuels my dreams. I'll gently push you forward, towards your goals.
旅立つとも友よ オレは行くとも そのまぶし
Even though we're parting ways, my friend, I'll always be with you in spirit.
まなざしに 手かざし 続けた夢
I'll bless your path with my gaze and my prayers.
痛めた 胸に 花を咲かせそう 栄光あれ
May your heart, which has been wounded, blossom with flowers. May glory be yours.
旅立ちの空 桜色 新しい風 吹き吹かれ
Our new beginning is cherry blossom-colored. A new wind is blowing, my dear.
まだ見ぬ仲間思いはせ 別れもあれば出会いある
I am longing for friends I haven't met yet. As there are farewells, there are also new encounters.

Авторы: 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮, 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮

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