ケツメイシ - 旅 - перевод текста песни на английский

- ケツメイシперевод на английский

The Journey
俺たちは今この場所から 走り出すこの列車の窓から
We now leave this place from a running train window
流れる景色を見てそれぞれに 思いが募る町が今日の目的地
Looking at the streaming scenery, each with an accumulating panorama of ideal towns
今日も俺たちの旅が始まる 感じる不安とたぎる期待と
Our journey begins today, bringing about feelings of trepidation and seething expectation
交差する胸の中で 動き始めた今時の中で
Which fuse within our hearts, beginning to stir within this contemporary era
窓の外には流れる風景に 酔いながらそっと目を閉じかけ
Now, the scenery outside the window intoxicates as I almost close my eyes
拝啓 皆々様 これから出会う人々胸騒ぎな体験が待ってんだ
My greetings to all. Exhilarating experiences await us as we venture forth to meet new faces
動き始めた列車の中で すでに胸に熱く込み上げる
As the train begins to move, I already sense a heat surge within my breast
Gently placing my hand on my heart
I feel my heartbeat, in stark contrast to the train's relentless advance
刻一刻と近づく町へ 何かが待ってる あの町へ
Drawing nearer with each passing moment to a town where something awaits
手荷物一つ 遅刻しとく もう誰も居ねえ 一人もいいね
With only a single piece of luggage and a deliberate tardiness, I find myself alone, which is also nice
行く先当てなしだし 道あみ出し この地に足つけて まずは歩こう
My destination is uncertain, and my path lies ahead, but first I shall explore this place on foot
生きてる見てる感じてること それこそが俺の愛してること
Experiencing, perceiving, and feeling life is what my heart truly loves
From the bottom of my heart, I thank my parents
A beacon of love illuminating the path from the depths to the summit
土地土地の音と風に抱かれ その土地土地の人と出会い分かれ
Embraced by the sounds and breezes of each land, I encounter its people, then bid them farewell
今日は何処行こう そう とぼけていこう 片道だが また道引き返そう
Where shall I journey today? Such feigned ignorance. A one-way trip, but I will eventually retrace my steps
でも頂上へ上昇する花火だから 路上で往生するわけにいかん
Yet, as a firework destined to ascend, I cannot allow myself to perish upon the ground
昨日が今日へと変わる瞬間 毎日大事旅の始まりさ
The moment yesterday yields to today, each day signifies an important beginning of a journey
俺たちは今この場所から 走り出すこの列車の窓から
We now leave this place from a running train window
流れる景色を見てそれぞれに 思いが募る町が今日の目的地
Looking at the streaming scenery, each with an accumulating panorama of ideal towns
都会の雑踏の中 来る日も来る日もいつものまま
Amidst the daily routine and urban hustle, a recurring monotony
目の前の坂のぼり疲れたら たまに外にでも出掛けてみれば
If weariness sets in from ascending life's steep slopes, occasionally venture outside
今日でも明日でも何時でもいい 思いたったなら一人でもいい
Today, tomorrow, or whenever the notion strikes, alone or in company
窓を流れる広い景色 吹き込む風は気持ちがいい
The expansive scenery streaming by the window and the invigorating breeze feel delightful
どこで降りるか なにが起こるか どこへ行くか 誰に出会うか
Where will I disembark? What will transpire? Where will I venture? Whom shall I encounter?
行く先 先々わからない 行く当てもない 目的もない
My itinerary remains uncertain, my goals不明, my destination unknown
列車は作られたレール走る 人は作り出した道を選ぶ
The train follows its designated tracks while we humans navigate predetermined paths
どこまでも続くこの旅路 いつかたどり着くあの町に
This journey extends infinitely, until I reach that fabled town
俺たちは今この場所から 走り出すこの列車の窓から
We now leave this place from a running train window
流れる景色を見てそれぞれに 思いが募る町が今日の目的地
Looking at the streaming scenery, each with an accumulating panorama of ideal towns
今日の町は風が気持ちいいな ならば俺たちは風のように今
The wind feels pleasant in today's town. So, let us now be like the wind
準備はいいか 行くぞさあ聞きな 音を感じな みんな みんな 騒ぎな
Are you prepared? Let us proceed. Listen up and feel the rhythm. Everyone, everyone, get excited

Авторы: 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮, 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮

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