ケツメイシ - 明日の少年 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ケツメイシ - 明日の少年

Tomorrow's Boy
No sounds of laughter can be heard in the afternoon park
見るからにどうせ 子の気持ちすらも拾えない
It's obvious they just can't pick up on the feelings of children
Parents nowadays care only for this age
向かい合い伝え合い やり損ない馬鹿ばかり
They only face each other, communicate with each other, and make fools of themselves
レールを敷く意味 取り違え どっか置いてる
They misunderstand the meaning of proper education and have forgotten it somewhere
同じコース 歩かせることに 必死こいてる
They're desperate to have their children walk the same path
押し付ける体裁に 子供達は繊細
Children are sensitive to the pretenses they force on them
自分自身信じた道選ぶよ 絶対
They will definitely choose the path they believe in
コンビニの弁当に 愛嬌の洗脳
Convenience store lunches brainwash them with flattery
じゃ いつか牙を剥く 子供たちの返答
So the children's response is that they will eventually bare their fangs
殴れぬ子供達は今度 刃物使い出す
Children who can't be physically punished will instead resort to violence
やつれる親たちは 人様にすがり出す
Their exhausted parents will then turn to others for help
もう遅い てめえのケツはてめえ自身で拭いとけ
But it's too late. You must clean up your own mess
打ち解けるなんて無理 胸に手当て悔いとけ
Reconciliation is impossible. Just accept your regrets
言葉ではなく 背中見て育つ
Children grow by watching your back, not listening to your words
子供信じろ 再度 子供信じよう
My dearest, believe in the children. My dearest, let us believe in the children again.
進むだけ損だぜ 満たされぬ親が作り出すロマン
Progressing will be a waste if you are a parent creating unrealistic ideals
前だけ向かせて 同じ方向へ
Just look forward, in the same direction
浴びるだけ損だぜ 満たされぬ親が降り注ぐシャワー
Accepting everything will be a waste if you are a parent showering unrealistic expectations
曲がった時だけ 舵を取れ
Only grab the rudder when you've gone astray
この就職難みこして 子をさとして向かう先 高級塾
Anticipating these difficult employment times, you have guided your children toward high-priced cram schools
熟練した講師の ハードな授業に 将来有望と洗脳する 無謀
The seasoned instructors' rigorous lessons and brainwashing about a promising future is futile
子の希望はサッカーのユニフォーム 着て外に出たいと
Your child's dream is to don a soccer uniform and go outside
願うもタイトなスケジュールにすでにノックアウト 寸前で風船は針の山
But their dream is knocked out by the tight schedule, like a balloon with a needle
高い月謝払い 過度のプレッシャー 与え続けた子を さらには電車にまで乗せ
You pay high tuition and put excessive pressure on your children. You even put them on a train
選ぶ遠き学び舎 まるでかごの中のカナリア
You chose a distant school, like a canary in a cage
目を覚ましな 何が大事か 親の見栄より 子供の夢は?
Wake up! What is important? Your pride or your children's dreams?
子は勝手に育つと昔は できた事 親が学びな
It used to be that children grew up on their own. Now it's your turn to learn, my dearest.
息苦しくなり 耐えられずに すぐにキレる 子は時に親に飛びかかる
Unable to stand the pressure, your children quickly become enraged. Sometimes they even lash out at you
昔父は子を殴り 母が慰める 一度グレる子も 親の背中見て育つ
Back in the day, fathers would beat their children while mothers comforted them. Rebellious children learn from watching their parents' backs
かつて親も子供 金や物が無い頃 あの思いをさせないようにと
Your parents were also children once. When they had no money or possessions, they vowed never to subject their own children to such hardship
授かったわが子に買うなんでも すると覚えるよ欲しい物は手に入ると
They bought everything for you, and you learned that you could get anything you wanted
我慢ができない親に怒られない くじけても一人では立ち直れない
Unable to endure hardship or avoid parental scolding, you can't recover on your own if you slip up
子は親の鏡 親いつ大人に 誰見本に生きればいい
Children are a reflection of their parents. Who is your role model?
親の都合に呑まれる子 見栄に犠牲になるものよ
Children who are consumed by their parents' demands sacrifice their own vanity
いつまでも 一人食事 テレビこれで幸せかい
You eat alone and watch TV all the time. Are you happy with this?
Are you receiving enough love from your parents?

Авторы: 大塚 亮二, 吉田 大蔵, 大塚 亮二, 吉田 大蔵

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