ケツメイシ - 朝日 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ケツメイシ - 朝日

東の空には朝日が昇る 新しい光が街に届く
The sun rises in the eastern sky, A new light reaches the city.
小鳥はさえずり 目覚めの音
Birds are chirping, The sound of awakening.
鏡に映した疲れた顔 今日目覚めて何度目の朝を
The tired face reflected in the mirror, How many mornings have I woken up today?
I wonder how many I've welcomed since I was born.
全ての人々に同じ朝を ここから今日という日を回そう
The same morning for all people, Let's start today from here.
時に曇り または雨でじらし 日付変わり東の空照りだし
Sometimes it's cloudy, Or rainy and teasing, The date changes and the eastern sky lights up.
Announcing the "beginning" and the "end" of the night.
昨夜までの悩み それも置き去りの
Leaving behind the worries of last night.
何気ない朝のひとときに増す 感謝の気持ち日ごとに
In the trivial moments of the morning, My gratitude grows day by day.
今日も朝日に正に力戴く 掻き込んで白飯 腹に満たす
Today, too, I receive strength from the sun, I dig into white rice and fill my stomach.
今日もやりますか? 一日が始まる
Shall we do it again today? The day begins.
The sun and our spirits rise together.
I don't know how many more I'll have,
But I never forget to be grateful.
ビルの谷間に 人の間に
Between the buildings, Between the people,
また始まり届ける この日確かに
It's sure to deliver the beginning, This day.
From the sky where the morning sun has begun to rise,
From the moment you wake up.
始まるよ 今日一日の中で
It begins, Within this day.
The morning sun shines through the window,
From the moment you notice it,
見えてくるよ 今日の君だけの眺め
It becomes visible, Your own unique view of today.
A distant message of dawn from the sky,
The city gradually awakens from its sleep.
窓から朝の光が差し込む ここにも新しい陽が舞い込む
The morning light streams through the window, A new sun shines here too.
かすかに届く電車の音 静かに色づき出す窓の外
The faint sound of trains reaches us, The outside of the window quietly begins to take color.
降り続いた雨止み 人歩み出す
The rain that has been falling stops, People start to walk.
生まれ変わったこの街 動き出す
This city, reborn, Begins to move.
明けると まるで思えないぐらい
It's hard to believe that it was so dark last night,
暗い夜でも 朝が来ない日はない
No matter how dark the night, there is no day without a dawn.
昨日までの悩み洗い流して また始まるこの幸せ感じて
Washing away the worries of yesterday, This happiness begins again.
Unchanged, even after countless nights,
飾らない朝日 今日も柔らかい
The unadorned sun, Today too, is gentle.
Changing from yesterday to today,
The sun repeats its rising.
Morning sun, sunlight through the curtains,
A scenery like a beacon.
騒がしい 昨夜の集まりも
Even the noisy gathering of last night,
Fades away with the arrival of the hopeful morning.
嘘のよう すがすがしい目覚め
It's like a lie, a refreshing awakening.
雲のよう ふわふわのベッドで
Like a cloud, in a fluffy bed,
Announcing the beginning of today,
The alarm bell resounds.
I get up and open the curtains,
部屋に散乱する 昨日着た上着 片付けて
I clean up the jacket I wore yesterday, which is scattered around the room.
ほっと一息 テレビを付け ホットコーヒー
I take a moment to relax, turn on the TV, and have a hot coffee.
漂う香り 朝の香り 繰り返す日々 朝の光
The drifting aroma, the aroma of the morning, the repeating days, the morning light,
浴びれる喜び 感じる心に 感謝して
The joy of being able to bask in it, the feeling of gratitude.
The beginning of another day.
今日という日が始まる(皆の心に届く この日始まり)
Today begins (reaching everyone's hearts, this day begins).
今日も新しい光が差し込む(朝の喜び 一日の始まり)
Today, too, a new light shines (the joy of morning, the beginning of the day).
One day is a new day on my life
One day is a new day on my life

Авторы: 田中 亮, 吉田 大蔵, 田中 亮, 吉田 大蔵

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