ケツメイシ - 歌謡い - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ケツメイシ - 歌謡い

Ballad Singer
さすらいの I'm歌謡い
Loiterers, I'm a Ballad Singer
I want to sing because there's a rhythm there
マイクで人の輪繋げたい 心に響く言葉も伝えたい
I want to connect people with my mic and speak words that resonate
馴らしたノドが味な咄家 話は今から次のサビから
My trained throat, a seasoned storyteller, my story is about the next scene
Yo準備いいか 行くぞ
Yo are you ready? Here we go
体にその耳に Kick it!
To your body and your ears, Kick it!
Everyday everynight いつでも歌謡い
Everyday, every night, always a Ballad Singer
この音に夢描いて 声嗄らすday by day
Dreaming of this sound, losing my voice day by day
Everywhere everytime どこでも歌謡い
Everywhere, every time, anywhere Ballad Singer
この音の上運ばれ 気付けばここまで
Carried by this sound, before I knew it, I was here
我の職業 マイク持ちなり
My profession is holding the mic
どんな音にも 軒並乗りたい
I want to ride on any sound
何年やっても まだまだ懲りない
No matter how many years, I'm still not tired of it
食わず嫌い 呼び込むこちらに
Unfamiliar haters attract me
伝わる 無駄なく
They are transmitted wasted
発す言葉 人群がる
The words you utter, the crowd gathers
体のみならず 心も揺らす
Shakes not only the body but also the heart
上手く謡うより その心奪う
Capturing hearts rather than singing well
Sometimes light for troubled people
または皆を代弁して 怒り
Or anger, speaking for everyone
我々のこだわりが おわかりか?
Do you understand our commitment?
趣味職業 マイクおさわりだ
My hobby and profession is touching the mic
呼ばれれば 北から南
If I'm called, from north to south
マイクだけ持ち いざ辿り着きたい
I'm going to reach my destination with only my mic
宗谷岬から 波照間へ
From Soya Misaki to Hateruma
握ったマイク 朽ち果てるまで
The mic I hold until I die
Everyday everynight お前も歌謡い
Everyday, every night, you too Ballad Singer
この音で皆集まれ うねるビート弾ませ
Everyone gather with this sound and bounce the beat
Everywhere everytime 叫べよ歌謡い
Everywhere, every time, shout Ballad Singer
つかんだマイクは放すな 誰にも任すな
Never let go of the mic you've grabbed, never give it up to anyone
Ah 魂込めた言葉が木霊し 言霊響けここから
Ah Words filled with soul reverberate, may the spirits of words resound from here
Ah その声嗄らせ叫べ 音鳴らせ 響かせ返せここまで
Ah Lose your voice and scream, make a sound, and echo it back to here
匠にビート 乗りこなす見事に
Master the beat and ride it beautifully
Every day, the realm of craftsmanship
色とりどりの言葉 耳元に
Colorful words reach my ears
マイク一つで伝えてく 仕事人
A working professional who delivers with just a mic
真夜中の列島 ご覧あれ堪能
Enjoy the late-night archipelago
造り出す熱狂 沸き起こす感動
Creating frenzy, stirring emotion
回しな Pass the mic Next to RYOJI all right!
Pass the mic, Next to RYOJI, all right!
使命感から 文明化へ
From a sense of mission to civilization
繋がれと願うのは 運命か?
Is it destiny to wish to be connected?
偶然か 必然かよりも
Rather than coincidence or inevitability
参加することに 意味ある出番が
There is meaning in participating, a meaningful turn
良く良く 聞いて 泣く泣く
Really, really listen, cry, cry
真似をするより 目指すは音楽家
Aim to be a musician rather than imitating
楽々に やれる訳もなく
It's not easy to do it easily
楽と苦 納得のひもとく
Happiness and suffering, unraveling the reason
意味のある わがまま
Selfish with meaning
日々交わす 言葉が
Words that we exchange every day
利にかなう 花形
Profitable, popular
ガタガタ 言わないで
Don't grumble
仲間が 教えてくれた事
What my friends taught me
伝えてくれた 本当の事を
The truth they taught me
歌にして 言葉にして
Now, making it a song, making it words
伝えたいと願う 歌謡い
Ballad Singer who wishes to convey
歌謡い 繋がれと願うのは 運命か?
Ballad Singer, is it destiny to wish to be connected?
歌謡い 真似をするより 目指すは音楽家
Ballad Singer, aim to be a musician rather than imitating
歌謡い 繋がれと願うのは 運命か?
Ballad Singer, is it destiny to wish to be connected?
Ballad Singer
Everyday everynight いつでも歌謡い
Everyday, every night, always a Ballad Singer
この音に夢描いて 声嗄らすday by day
Dreaming of this sound, losing my voice day by day
Everywhere everytime どこでも歌謡い
Everywhere, every time, anywhere Ballad Singer
この音の上運ばれ 気付けばここまで
Carried by this sound, before I knew it, I was here
Everyday everynight お前も歌謡い
Everyday, every night, you too Ballad Singer
この音で皆集まれ うねるビート弾ませ
Everyone gather with this sound and bounce the beat
Everywhere everytime 叫べよ歌謡い
Everywhere, every time, shout Ballad Singer
つかんだマイクは放すな 誰にも任すな
Never let go of the mic you've grabbed, never give it up to anyone
Ah 魂込めた言葉が木霊し 言霊響けここから
Ah Words filled with soul reverberate, may the spirits of words resound from here
Ah その声嗄らせ叫べ 音鳴らせ 響かせ返せここまで
Ah Lose your voice and scream, make a sound, and echo it back to here
Ah 繋がれと願うのは 運命か? 真似をするより 目指すは音楽家
Ah Is it destiny to wish to be connected? Aim to be a musician rather than imitating
Ah 何年やっても まだまだ懲りない 食わず嫌い 呼び込むこちらに
Ah No matter how many years, I'm still not tired of it, unfamiliar haters attract me
Ah 色とりどりの言葉 耳元に マイク一つで伝えてく 仕事人
Ah Colorful words reach my ears, a working professional who delivers with just a mic
Ah 歌にして 言葉にして 伝えたいと願う 歌謡い
Ah Now, making it a song, making it words, Ballad Singer who wishes to convey
Ah Ah
Ah Ah

Авторы: 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮, 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮

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