ケツメイシ - 願い - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ケツメイシ - 願い

暗い世界 暗い時代の果て
At the edge of this dark world, this dark age,
笑い合い 笑いたいのに なぜ
Why do we shed tears and silence our laughter,
涙を流すの 声を殺すの
When we long to laugh and share joy?
人の上に人はいないのに なぜ
Why do we place one person above another?
争い事 絶えない世の中
In this world where conflict never ceases,
History foolishly repeats its course.
罪のない子供 力ない者から
Innocent children, the powerless,
消されて行く その優しい心が
Their gentle hearts are extinguished first.
その銃の重さ知らないが 命の重さぐらい伝えたい
I may not know the weight of a gun, but I want to convey the weight of a life.
This battle against scattered desires,
まだ終わらない 止まらない
It doesn't end, it doesn't stop.
誰のため 何のため 兵士さえ戦う意味も知らず
Even soldiers don't know why they fight, for whom, for what?
人々のため 国のためなら なぜまた黒い雨を降らす
If it's for the people, for the nation, why do you rain down black rain again?
神さえ止められない 祈りさえ届かない
Even God can't stop it, even prayers don't reach.
持たざる者が 泣くしかない
The have-nots can only weep.
また いつ笑い合えるのか?
When can we laugh together again?
この歌 心に響くのか?
Will this song resonate in your heart?
暗い世界 暗い時代の果て
At the edge of this dark world, this dark age,
笑い合い 笑いたいのになぜ
Why do we shed tears and silence our laughter,
涙を流すの 声を殺すの
When we long to laugh and share joy?
There is no one person above another.
また世界のどこかで 起こる様は世の果て
The scenes that unfold somewhere in the world again, feel like the end of the world.
メディア 電波 ニュース ネット
Through media, radio waves, news, and the internet,
乗って届く ここまで
They reach us, right here.
守る者があって 頼る物があって
We have protectors, we have things to rely on,
同じ様にこの星に生まれ立って 何で?
We are all born on this same star, so why?
容赦ない 鉛玉が子供達に降り注ぐ
Merciless lead bullets rain down on children.
望まない ミサイルをまたミサイルで 撃ち落す
We shoot down unwanted missiles with more missiles.
その影で 誰かまた でかい兵器売り飛ばす
In the shadows, someone sells off large weapons.
その理由 もう一度考えろ 罪と罰
Think again about the reason, about sin and punishment.
過ちも薄れる 戦いを続ける
Even mistakes fade as the fighting continues.
思いやりに愛を 足さないと崩れる
Without adding compassion and love, it will crumble.
The determination to live amidst the echoing gunshots,
お互い様ならば もう止めにしないか?
If we're all in this together, shouldn't we stop it already?
憎しみや怒りからは もはや何も生まれない
Nothing more will be born from hatred and anger.
浮かれたい ただ笑い声のでかさ比べたい
I just want to revel, compare the loudness of our laughter.
繰り返す人はまた 同じことがどこかで
Those who repeat the same things will do so again somewhere.
届かね 俺の声は もう もはやそこまで
My voice can't reach that far anymore.
朝昼晩 いつ点けてもテレビから流れる暗いニュース
Morning, noon, and night, dark news flows from the TV whenever it's on.
目を背けずに見るが 瞑りたくなる目
I watch without turning away, but my eyes want to close.
I cover my ears with my palms, wanting to block them out.
僕らに何が出来るかも分からず 歌い続ける
I keep singing, even though I don't know what we can do.
この声の先は遥か彼方に いやまずは傍にいる君の元に
The end of this voice is far beyond, but first, it reaches you by my side.
届いたなら まずは君一人
If it reaches you, then at least one person.
でも変わってく この先のヒストリー
But history will change in the future.
一人の命の重み 感じて変わって行こう人類
We, as humanity, will change by feeling the weight of one human life.
笑顔で 暮らす事の意味
The meaning of living with a smile.
笑顔を奪い去る 事の罪
The sin of taking away a smile.
いつまでも止まらぬ 権力主義
Authoritarianism that never stops.
なくすため日々 託す僕らの思いを
To eliminate it, we entrust our hopes day by day.

Авторы: 田中 亮, 吉田 大蔵, 田中 亮, 吉田 大蔵

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