丁噹 - 踹來共 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 丁噹 - 踹來共

Call me now
現在零晨三點 全世界在冬眠
It's 3 AM now, the world is sleeping
自己蓋著棉被 誰陪我純聊天
I am alone in my blanket, who can chat with me?
朋友都去夜店 手機忘了充電
My friends are all out partying, my phone is dead
臉書上的鬼臉 跟我翻著白眼
The emojis on Facebook are rolling their eyes with me
活見鬼的週末夜 最好你給我上線
This is a freaking weekend night, you better get online
One two 踹來共 three four 麥呼攏
One two, call me now, three four, don't lie to me
小火大火熱火 一起麻辣火鍋
Small fire, big fire, let's have some spicy hotpot together
One two 一起瘋 three four 人來瘋
One two, let's go crazy three four, let's be crazy together
Q我Q我Q我 趕快Q我密我
Contact me, contact me, contact me, contact me now
我在對你放電 你還一直敷衍
I am sending you signals, but you keep ignoring me
裝模作樣很累 請你稱頭一點
It's tiring to pretend, please be more direct
不要再說隨便 不要沒有概念
Don't say whatever, don't say you don't know
我的耐心有限 別跟我兜圈圈
My patience is limited, don't beat around the bush
管你有電沒有電 管你颱風夜太黑
I don't care if you have electricity, I don't care if it's too dark during the typhoon
One two 踹來共 three four 麥呼攏
One two, call me now, three four, don't lie to me
要死不活樂活 活要活得快活
Don't be lazy, be happy, live a happy life
One two 一起瘋 three four 人來瘋
One two, let's go crazy three four, let's be crazy together
OH夜遊不用理由 一起夜衝
No reason for a night out, let's go out at night
一起快活 別想太多 追上我
Let's have fun together, don't think too much, catch up with me
Oh yeah 追上我
Oh yeah, catch up with me
我不在乎 是誰先主動 不要一動也不動
I don't care who makes the first move, just don't sit still
One two 踹來共 three four 麥呼攏
One two, call me now, three four, don't lie to me
小火大火熱火 一起麻辣火鍋
Small fire, big fire, let's have some spicy hotpot together
One two 一起瘋 three four 人來瘋
One two, let's go crazy three four, let's be crazy together
Q我Q我Q我 趕快Q我密我
Contact me, contact me, contact me, contact me now
One two 踹來共 three four 麥呼攏
One two, call me now, three four, don't lie to me
要死不活樂活 活要活得快活
Don't be lazy, be happy, live a happy life
One two 一起瘋 three four 人來瘋
One two, let's go crazy three four, let's be crazy together
Oh夜遊不用理由 一起夜衝
No reason for a night out, let's go out at night
一起快活 別想太多 追上我
Let's have fun together, don't think too much, oh catch up with me
One two three four 踹來共 踹來共 (One two three four 踹來共 踹來共)
One two three four, call me now, call me now (One two three four, call me now, call me now)
One two three four 一起瘋 一起瘋 (One two three four 一起瘋 一起瘋)
One two three four, let's go crazy, let's go crazy (One two three four, let's go crazy, let's go crazy)
One two three four (踹來共 踹來共), One two three four (踹來共 一起瘋)
One two three four (call me now, call me now), One two three four (call me now, let's go crazy)
One two 一起快活 (踹來共 来快活)One two 別想太多(踹来共 想太多)
One two let's have fun (call me now, let's have fun) One two don't think too much(call me now, don't think too much)
追上我 追上我 追上我 追上我
Catch up with me Catch up with me Catch up with me Catch up with me

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