仲道祐子 - 勿忘草 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 仲道祐子 - 勿忘草

愛を知る人を想う 勿忘の花言葉
I think of those who know love, the forget-me-not's motto
徒然に時は流れ 似た影を探す
Time flows idly by, I search for a similar shadow
Still in love with a past love,
If you saw me, you'd think it was ridiculous, wouldn't you?
君がくれた愛は全て 面影の彼方
The love you gave me is all in the past
街路樹の影に揺れた 君の声
Your voice swayed in the shadows of the street trees
花のように生きて 無感情で死にたい
I want to live like a flower, die with no emotion
ただ咲いて ただ枯れて 散って逝けばいい
Just bloom, just wither, and die
届かない想いは 勿忘の花よ
My unrequited thoughts are forget-me-not flowers
愛してるのでしょう 忘れたいほどに
I must love you, enough to want to forget
ただ咲いて ただ枯れて 散って行けばいいと
Just bloom, just wither, and die
The more I wish, the more
花のように生きて 無感情で消えたい
I want to live like a flower, disappear without any emotion
君に届かない声ならばもう そっと胸に咲いて
If my voice doesn't reach you, then let it bloom softly in my heart
Forget-me-not flower
さようなら 忘れ名の君の声
Farewell, voice of my forgotten name

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