信 - 再生 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 信 - 再生

要命碰撞 重擊我的心臟
Deadly collision, struck my heart
意識在晃 外表越中傷 內心越激昂
Mind is swaying, the more the outward wounds, the more inner rage
吞下的傷 從呼吸醞釀出盪氣迴腸
The swallowed pain, from the breath became a soul-stirring epic
啞了再吶喊 冷了再沸揚
Become dumb and then roar, become cold and then boil
不痛不夠爽 絕望生出希望
Not painful enough to be cool, despair gives birth to hope
熄滅的夢想 總是能再發亮
Extinguished dreams, always able to shine again
從腐壞磁場 生出新的力量
From the rotten magnetic field, new strength is born
回憶的片段 零亂骯髒
Fragments of memories, messy and dirty
同一處傷疤 犯的錯來不及痛 眼淚早已滅亡
The same scar, the mistakes didn't hurt in time, the tears had already died
體內的金剛 正為我快速的清理戰場
The King Kong in my body is rapidly cleaning up the battlefield for me
啞了再吶喊 冷了再沸揚
Become dumb and then roar, become cold and then boil
不痛不夠爽 絕望生出希望
Not painful enough to be cool, despair gives birth to hope
熄滅的夢想 總是能再發亮
Extinguished dreams, always able to shine again
從腐壞磁場 生出新的力量
From the rotten magnetic field, new strength is born
我的強項 就是遇強則強
My strength is being strong when meeting the strong
拼命咬緊牙關 沒有誰能抵擋
Gritting my teeth desperately, no one can resist
枯了再培養 死了再生長
Withered and then cultivated, dead and then grown
沒什麼擅長 就是這點頑強
There is nothing good at, just stubborn on this part
斷了的翅膀 長出來再飛翔
The broken wings, grow out and fly again
從心的墳場 找到新的天堂
From the cemetery of the heart, find a new paradise
從心的墳場 找到新的天堂
From the cemetery of the heart, find a new paradise
沒有犧牲就不夠悲壯 不黑暗怎麼迎接曙光
Not tragic enough without sacrifice, how can we welcome the dawn without darkness
在我胸膛裡 引擎生生不息
In my chest, the engine is immortal
在我影子裡 看見金剛變形
In my shadow, see King Kong transforming

Авторы: Lina Eriksson, Daniel Nitt, Maarten Eriksson, Chen Xin Yan

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