八三夭 - 一事無成的偉大 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 八三夭 - 一事無成的偉大

Greatness of Being a Good-for-Nothing
這一生 一事無成 又怎樣 為何要 功成名就 才偉大?
This life is good-for-nothing, so what? Why do you have to be successful to be great?
這一生 一無所有 照樣吊兒啷噹 未來的事 來了再講 懶得去想
This life has nothing, still hanging around carefree. Let's talk about the future when it comes. I'm too lazy to think about it.
操場邊 初登場 那一年 的盛夏 男校嘛 沒啥理想 把妹才是真話
At the edge of the playground, we made our debut in the midsummer of that year. In a boys' school, we had no ideals. Dating was the real deal.
窩社辦 刷吉他 吃便當 配大話 想做個 Rock n' Roll Star 不甘平凡長大
We stayed in the office, strumming guitars and eating lunch boxes, and chatting. We wanted to be Rock n' Roll Stars and grew up unwilling to be ordinary.
停止吧 適可而止吧 不然就 餓死吧
Stop it. Be content. Otherwise, starve to death.
我懂啊 難道我不怕? 什麼代價 比妄想更無價?
I know. Am I not afraid? What price is more worthless than fantasy?
這一生 一事無成 又怎樣 為何要 功成名就 才偉大?
This life is good-for-nothing, so what? Why do you have to be successful to be great?
這一生 一無所有 照樣吊兒啷噹
This life has nothing, still hanging around carefree.
鳳凰花落 未來在哪 暫時不想
When the flame trees fall, where is the future? I don't want to think about it for the time being.
I don't want to think about it for the time being.
沒觀眾 的春吶 小公園 也照唱 那票房 剛好付完 慶功永和豆漿
The Chunna without audience, the small park also sings. The box office just paid for the celebration Yonghe Soy Milk.
沒入圍 的獎項 沒人懂 的漫長 能感動 自己的歌 才是唯一解答
The unnominated awards, the unknown long way. The songs that can move myself are the only answer.
又不是 演熱血漫畫 信仰總會 心涼
It's not a hot-blooded comic. Faith will always cool down.
現實像 沙漠般荒涼 為何心底 總還期待 燦爛的花
Reality is as desolate as the desert, why do I still expect a brilliant flower in my heart?
這一生 一事無成 又怎樣 為何要 功成名就 才偉大?
This life is good-for-nothing, so what? Why do you have to be successful to be great?
每一晚 每個一事 無成的當下 我也幻想 若能重來 我會怎樣?
Every night, every good-for-nothing moment, I also imagine that if I could do it again, what would I do?
從小灌輸 用功聽話 未來前途 一片明朗
Since childhood, we have been instilled with the idea of studying hard and being obedient. The future is bright.
幸福童話 剝奪理想 一生奔忙 一場幹話
The fairy tale of happiness deprives us of our ideals. A life of toil is nothing but empty talk.
房價物價 熔成岩漿 不斷上漲 等待爆炸
Housing prices and commodity prices have melted into lava and are rising, waiting to explode.
平行世界 誰都一樣 沒有完美 只有現在啊
In the parallel world, everyone is the same. There is no perfection, only the present.
「3. 2. 1. 爆炸!!!」
"3. 2. 1. Explosion!!!"
追逐 想望的 烏托邦 一場 再一場 到沙啞
Chasing the desired utopia, time after time, until hoarse.
夢想 若變成 公式化 怎讓心 再滾燙?
If dreams become formulaic, how can they make the heart burn again?
掌聲或 謾罵 都把我 壓垮 故作堅強也 焦躁迷惘
Applause or scolding, both crush me. I pretend to be strong but also become anxious and confused.
主流或 地下 沒誰更 高尚 有誰不期待 爆滿全場?
Mainstream or underground, no one is more noble. Who doesn't expect a full house?
搖滾或 偶像 全都是 假象 只有我的歌 從不說謊
Rock 'n' roll or idol, they're all illusions. Only my songs never lie.
和世界 衝撞 和孤獨 對抗 想哭的時候 我都大聲唱
Collide with the world, confront loneliness. When I want to cry, I sing out loud.
這一生 一事無成 又怎樣 為何要 功成名就 才偉大
This life is good-for-nothing, so what? Why do you have to be successful to be great
一輩子 做好一件事 夠不夠啊? 誰定義的 失敗或偉大
Is it enough to do one thing well in a lifetime? Who defines failure or greatness?
這一生 一事無成 又怎樣 我不要 功成名就 和偉大
This life is good-for-nothing, so what? I don't want to be successful and great.
我只想 成為我想 成為的模樣 一無所有 那又怎麼樣?
I just want to become the person I want to be. What if I have nothing?
這一生 一事無成 也是個贏家 一無所有
This life is good-for-nothing, but I am also a winner. I have nothing,
還有這歌 為我而唱
and this song is for me.
場燈暗 音樂下 你準備 好了嗎?
The stage lights dim and the music fades. Are you ready?
管台下 空空蕩蕩 或是 萬人空巷 走吧!
The audience seats are empty, or they are packed. Let's go!

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