八三夭 - 廢話語錄 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 八三夭 - 廢話語錄

Quotes of Bullshit
廢話語錄 (Quotes of Bullshit)
Quotes of Bullshit
『在非洲 過六十秒 全世界 少一分鐘』
『In Africa, if you spend sixty seconds, the whole world will be one minute less』
『每人呼吸 六十分 生命少 一個鐘頭』
『Everyone breathes for sixty minutes, life will be one hour less』
按讚轉發 靜思 語如雨下
Like, share and think deeply, words will rain down
誰不渴望 一生 扶搖直上
Who doesn't yearn for a lifetime of smooth sailing?
蒐齊天下 所有 正面能量
Collect all the positive energy in the world
『一天省 一杯奶茶 十天能 買十杯茶』
『Saving one cup of milk tea a day, you can buy ten cups of tea in ten days』
『天天喝水 高機率 百年內 你會死亡』
『Drinking water every day, the probability of dying within a hundred years is high』
預習熟記 多少 語錄榜樣
Study and memorize many quotes and examples
廢柴也能 活成 飛黃騰達
Losers can also live a successful life
幸福箴言 真能 一字不差?
Can the words of happiness really be the same?
勵志到 舌燦蓮花 花惹發 發Q吧
When you're motivated, you talk so well, it's amazing
為何我還 活像句 垃圾話
Why am I still like a piece of trash?
不能靠爸 或靠媽 不是童話 註定是笑話?
Can't rely on Dad or Mom, is it not a fairy tale, destined to be a joke?
別侍奉 網紅專家 別瞎話 當神話
Don't serve Internet celebrities, don't treat nonsense as mythology
像句髒話 想多狂 就多狂
Like a dirty word, be as crazy as you want
像話不像話 又怎麼樣?
Does it matter if it's nice or not?
『想要有錢 很簡單 投好胎 生在華廈』
『If you want to be rich, it's very simple, be born with a good life, and born in China』
『想要買房 很簡單 先有個 有錢老爸』
『If you want to buy a house, it's very simple, first have a rich father』
高漲物價 都快 高攀不上
Soaring prices, almost unaffordable
畢業必被 失業 一擊必殺
Graduating will definitely be unemployed, killing with one blow
心靈雞湯 辛酸 消化不良
Chicken soup for the soul is sour and indigestible
『在你心上 那個人 就代表 你愛著他』
『The person in your heart represents the person you love』
『聽你媽媽 說的話 就不會 讓她受傷』
『Listen to what your mother says, and you won't hurt her』
科技發達 訊息 更難表達
Technology is developed, but information is harder to express
關心的人 難說 真心的話
It's hard for those who care to say the truth
格言人生 怎麼 格外匱乏?
Why is life so lacking in maxims?
勵志到 舌燦蓮花 花惹發 發Q吧
When you're motivated, you talk so well, it's amazing
為何我還 活像句 垃圾話
Why am I still like a piece of trash?
不能靠爸 或靠媽 不是童話 註定是笑話?
Can't rely on Dad or Mom, is it not a fairy tale, destined to be a joke?
別侍奉 網紅專家 別瞎話 當神話
Don't serve Internet celebrities, don't treat nonsense as mythology
像句髒話 想多狂 就多狂
Like a dirty word, be as crazy as you want
像話不像話 又怎麼樣?
Does it matter if it's nice or not?
What does it matter?
當瘋狂 社會亂象 從假象 變真相
When crazy social phenomena change from illusion to reality
任誰都能 被崇拜 被信仰
Anyone can be worshiped, can be believed in
我又何必 要偉大 句句金句 無價或廉價?
Why do I have to be great, every golden sentence is priceless or cheap?
誰的話 都是廢話 這首歌 也一樣
Everything is nonsense, and so is this song
像句髒話 想多狂 就多狂
Like a dirty word, be as crazy as you want
毀謗 或輝煌 有什麼差?
What's the difference between slander and glory?
奇怪 或奇葩 何必偽裝?
Why pretend to be strange or unique?
像話 不像話 拿我怎樣?
Does it matter if I'm good or not?

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