周國賢 - Xing Chen - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 周國賢 - Xing Chen

Xing Chen
Xing Chen
終於 歸一了 合一的心跳
Finally, we are one. Our hearts beat as one.
從前的 往後的 已互相對調
The past and the future have exchanged places.
神和經 說或聽
The spiritual and the physical, we listen or speak.
永生依歸一的法則裡 看本象宏渺
We follow the eternal law, the grand scheme of things.
時份季度看穿 地正天圓
We see through the seasons and time, earth is square and heaven is round.
真假虛實 共存內表
Truth and falsehood coexist, inside and out.
恨愛無相斥 明暗恩怨分秒 對消
Love and hate are not mutually exclusive, light and dark, good and evil, they cancel each other out.
萬世得我 只得我 在燃燒
Throughout the ages, I only have me, burning.
圍著愛 獨看星塵被我照耀
Surrounding love, I alone watch the stars illuminated by me.
卻只一個 難對比生與命玄妙
But there is only one, it is difficult to compare life and destiny.
靈魂在某天想要光 便有光
One day, the soul wants light, and there is light.
Day and night divide the world.
We were once one, now we are two.
一哭 跟一笑 脈沖星呼叫
One cry and one laugh, the pulsar calls.
紅巨星 閉幕中 變白矮廢掉
The red giant star closes, the white dwarf fades away.
輪流轉 再自轉
They rotate and orbit.
看超新星收縮再爆開 聽黑洞狂嘯
Watch the supernova collapse and explode, listen to the black hole roar.
重蹈宇宙最初 密佈星羅
Back to the beginning of the universe, stars everywhere.
因果福禍 沒完沒了
Cause and effect, karma, it's endless.
善惡藏心壁 塵世中再分曉
Good and evil are hidden in the heart, they will be revealed in the world.
萬世得我 只得我 在燃燒
Throughout the ages, I only have me, burning.
圍著愛 獨看星塵被我照耀
Surrounding love, I alone watch the stars illuminated by me.
唯卻只一個 難對比生與命玄妙
But there is only one, it is difficult to compare life and destiny.
靈魂在某天想要光 便有光
One day, the soul wants light, and there is light.
Day and night divide the world.
We were once one, now we are two.
我分裂出眾生 毛孔肌膚血管心臟
I split into all beings, pores, skin, blood vessels, heart.
繁榮與蒼茫 平坦崎嶇 正反裡荏苒時光
Prosperity and desolation, flatness and ruggedness, time passes.
忘掉對天際的仰望 忘掉每個自己
Forget about looking up at the sky, forget about everyone.
舊日我跟你 是源自那 神聖耀眼燦爛晨曦
You and I in the past, we come from the sacred, radiant, brilliant morning sun.
Peace is fought for in war and disaster.
Emotions are shattered in the construction of hustle and bustle.
亂世得我 只得我 在煩擾
In troubled times, I only have me, in chaos.
懷念你 面對傷亡沒法意料
Missing you, facing casualties, can't predict.
人際太冰冷 難以將溫與熱重召
People are too cold, it's hard to recall warmth and heat.
抬頭望晚空想見光 像有光
Look up at the evening sky and think of light, like there is light.
Who's watching the ever-changing stars?
Missing the one we were, thinking about the twinkling starlight.
Stop clinging to the third dimension, join hands and go far away.
There is still space-time to drive us apart.
After embracing the sky, we reunite with ourselves.
Cycling love, sadness and joy.
I find you in the space of memory.
在每維度裡驗證 群星中千億生死
In every dimension, billions of lives and deaths among the stars.

Авторы: Ke Xiao, Zhou Guo Xian

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