品冠 vs 黃嘉千 - 愛情轉彎的地方 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 品冠 vs 黃嘉千 - 愛情轉彎的地方

Place of Love
Singers: Kenny + Kate
男:把所有的過往 改寫成文章
Male: Rewrite all the past into an article
我發現 最後的幾行 都是你的臉龐
I found
女:將過去的時光 醞釀成藍色的海洋
Female: Brew past time into a blue ocean
愛情是搖晃的船 在向你靠岸
Love is a rocking boat coming to shore
男:在愛情轉彎的地方 有些當初會不一樣
Male: In the place of love’s curve, there are some things that were different at the start
你在我要去的路上 守候成一面牆
You are on the path that I must take, guarding like a wall
女:在愛情轉彎的地方 甜蜜回憶懸掛走廊
Female: In the place of love’s curve, sweet memories hang in the hall
把最愛的部分裝進 畫框
Put the most beloved parts into
合: 用一輩子去收藏
Chorus: A frame
女: 把所有的過往 改寫成文章
Female: Rewrite all the past into an article
Male: I found
合: 最後的幾行
Chorus: The last few lines
男: 都是你的臉龐
Male: Are all your faces
女:將過去的時光 醞釀成藍色的海洋
Female: Brew past time into a blue ocean
男: 愛情是搖晃的船
Male: Love is a rocking boat
合: 在向你靠岸 在愛情轉彎的地方 有些當初會不一樣
Chorus: Coming to shore In the place of love’s curve, there are some things that were different at the start
男: 你在我要去的路上
Male: You are on the path that I must take
合: 守候成一面牆 在愛情轉彎的地方
Chorus: Guarding like a wall In the place of love’s curve
男: 甜蜜回憶(女: 甜蜜) 男: 懸掛走廊(女: 在走廊)
Male: Sweet memories
男: 把最愛的部分裝進
Male: Put in the most beloved parts into
合: 畫框 用一輩子去收藏 男: 女: 男: 女: 在愛情轉彎的地方 男: 有些當初會不一樣
Chorus: A frame Use a lifetime to collect. Ah Male: Shout Female: Shout Male: Shout Female: In the place of love’s curve, there were some things that were different at the start
合: 你在我要去的路上 守候成一面牆(男: 牆)
Chorus: You are on the path that I must take, guarding like a wall
女: 在愛情轉彎的地方 甜蜜
Female: In the place of love’s curve, sweet
女: 回憶(男: 回憶)懸掛走廊(男: 在走廊)
Female: Memories
女: 把最愛的部分裝進 合: 畫框 用一輩子去收藏
Female: Put the most beloved parts into Chorus: A frame Use a lifetime to collect

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