品冠 - 1111 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 品冠 - 1111

一人貪圖 兩人束縛
One person's greed, two people's constraints
想愛又不愛 在不在乎
Wanting to love but not, Do you care or not
選擇哪種角度 才能夠透視愛的面目
Which perspective to choose, to see through the face of love
Maybe even Picasso doesn't know
一到年紀 急著催促
As soon as you reach a certain age, the催促s come fast
朋友過半數 都跑來訴苦
More than half of my friends come to complain
每天分身乏術 圓其說那是愛的包袱
Everyday I'm juggling, Round and round, they say it's the burden of love
不要太羨慕我 一個人擁有全部
Don't envy me too much, One person has everything
一旦認真就心無旁騖 一回到家就鑽進螢幕
Once I'm serious, I'm single-minded, Back home, I dive into the screen
非誠勿擾 非關事小 單身狗過得比誰都驕傲
No free lunches, No small matter, Single dogs are prouder than anyone
一個想法能千奇百怪 一把吉他能任我翱遊
An idea can be full of surprises, One guitar can let me soar
自由多一點 煩惱少一點 讓雙手環抱獨享的溫度
A little more freedom, A little less worry, Let my arms embrace the exclusive warmth
鏡子裡的 忠實信徒
In the mirror, Loyal believer
怎樣最舒服 不用修邊幅
How is it most comfortable, Not having to tidy up
你說我很孤獨 我走的路線是種藝術
You say I'm lonely, My path is an art
In the city, I exhale and inhale at my own pace
一旦認真就心無旁騖 一回到家就鑽進螢幕
Once I'm serious, I'm single-minded, Back home, I dive into the screen
非誠勿擾 非關事小 單身狗過得比誰都驕傲
No free lunches, No small matter, Single dogs are prouder than anyone
一下決定就義無反顧 一個結果心裡自有數
Once I make up my mind, I'm determined, I have my own ideas about what the outcome will be
自由多一點 煩惱少一點 一個人生活百分百幸福
A little more freedom, A little less worry, Living alone is 100% happiness

Авторы: victor wong

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