品冠 - K歌情人 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 品冠 - K歌情人

Karaoke Lover
靜茹:一場很美變成很慘的戀愛 淚流不止的心還包著繃帶
Jingru: A beautiful love turned into a tragic one Tears keep flowing, my heart still wrapped in bandages
又痛又愁看不開 我把自己藏成模糊的存在
Pain and sorrow, I can't see clearly I've hidden myself, a blurry existence
品冠:愛情永遠沒有答案總要猜 眼角濕著嘴角笑著放大悲哀
Ping Guan: Love is eternal, a mystery we try to solve Eyes wet, lips smiling, amplifying the sadness
又傷又累不明白 怎麼躲不開得到又失去的無奈
Wounds and exhaustion, I don't understand How I can't escape the cycle of gain and loss
合:all i wanna do is find a way back into love 多想有一個人能和我分享快樂
Both: All I wanna do is find a way back into love I long for someone to share my joy with
靜茹:是誰叫你這樣傻傻闖進來 自以為是分析我有多奇怪
Jingru: Who told you to barge in so recklessly? Analyzing me, claiming to know my quirks
我卻無從辯白 在狼狽中又被變心的痛快
I can't defend myself, caught in a trap of deceit and heartbreak
品冠:你的加油讓我有夢想不感慨 你的批評讓我生氣難忍耐
Ping Guan: Your encouragement gives me dreams and hope Your criticisms make me angry and impatient
偏偏又命中要害 你的誠實變我的依賴
But they hit home, your honesty becomes my crutch
合:all i wanna do is find a way back into love 找到了一個人能和我分享快樂
Both: All I wanna do is find a way back into love I've found someone to share my joy with
為什麼當我牽你的手 會覺得天堂是散步就能走到的
Why is it that when I hold your hand Heaven seems within reach, a walk away?
靜茹:當我又在猶豫應該不應該 抱我吻我讓我氣喘不過來
Jingru: When I hesitate, unsure of what to do Hold me, kiss me, make me breathless
當我笨的想逃開 痛罵我讓我能感覺到愛
When I foolishly try to flee, scold me Let me feel the pain of your love
All i wanna do is find a way back into love 盡情享受兩個人最靠近得快樂
All I wanna do is find a way back into love Savoring the ecstasy of two hearts intertwined
一個人不懂那種快樂 兩顆心摩擦著纏繞著
One person can't comprehend such bliss Two hearts collide, entangling and entwining
緊密成割不斷的繩索 帶我們攀越上愛的最巔峰
Bound by an unbreakable cord, we ascend to love's peak

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