品冠 - 年少時代 (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

年少時代 (Live) - 品冠перевод на английский

年少時代 (Live)
Teenage Years (Live)
幾顆彈珠 散落在公園草地
Marbles scattered in the park grass
世界大戰 壯烈結束在秘密基地
World war ending at the secret base
夕陽映著 滿身的污泥
Sunset reflecting off mud
約好明天 還要再來這裡
Agreed to meet at the same place tomorrow
明天之後 籃球鎖在櫃子裡
After tomorrow, the basketball will be locked in the closet
白色單車 太矮了送給鄰居小弟
The white bicycle too short, given to the neighbour's child
那副雙節棍 從沒讓我天下無敵
That pair of nunchucks never made me invincible
再回頭 丟失了勇氣
Looking back, courage lost
偶爾在夜裡 夢見那時的自己
Sometimes in the night, I dream of my younger self
那笑容 淺淺地在記憶裡模糊淡去
That smile, fading away in memory
醒在淚水裡 再也不是狂奔雨裡的年紀
Awake in tears, no longer the age to run in the rain
Where will we go from here?
Growing up day by day
Forgetting year by year
Step by step, becoming the adults we couldn't understand as teenagers
是否到最後 我們還能 唱一首歌
Will we still be able to sing a song in the end?
把這一路的風景 寫成天邊永恆的銀河
Writing the scenery along the way into an eternal galaxy in the sky
那個少年 以為努力就能贏
That boy thought he could win with hard work
相信生命 屬於一顆流浪的彗星
Believing life belongs to a wandering comet
漫畫的對白 每句都當成座右銘
Every line of the comic book dialogue taken as a motto
學不會 對世界懷疑
Never learning to doubt the world
偶爾在夜裡 夢見那時的自己
Sometimes in the night, I dream of my younger self
那笑容 是黑白照片裡殘破的痕跡
That smile, a broken trace in a black-and-white photo
醒在淚水裡 想念圍繞大榕樹下的身影
Awake in tears, missing the figures gathered around the banyan tree
How can we find our way back?
Hoping again and again
Disappointed bit by bit
Inch by inch, watching the teenage sky shrink
擁有了夠多 為何不敢 盡情哭呢
With so much, why don't we dare to cry?
一萬倍世故聰明 換不回一分快樂
Ten thousand times the worldliness and cleverness can't replace a single moment of joy
Growing up day by day
Forgetting year by year
Step by step, becoming the adults we couldn't understand as teenagers
只希望最後 我們還能 唱一首歌
I only hope that in the end, we can still sing a song
把這一生的風景 寫成天邊永恆的銀河
Writing the scenery of this life into an eternal galaxy in the sky

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