安田みずほ - たからもの - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 安田みずほ - たからもの

君がいることも 僕がいることも
The fact that you're here and I'm here
きっと 必ず 意味があって
Surely, it must have meant something
I wonder what
手探りで探すのが 僕らの人生
I grope around in the dark
Even when they told me, "Don't go that way,"
For some reason, I wanted to go that way when I was little.
転んで痛い思いして それでもわからなくて
I fell down and it hurt, but I still didn't understand,
それだけ何も疑わない 純粋さがあった
I was just so innocent that I didn't question anything.
I was so short back then,
I could only look up to you,
Perhaps that's why I was able to dream so much.
今日があることも 明日がくることも
The fact that we have today, and that tomorrow will come,
きっと 僕らの たからもの
They must be our treasures.
当たり前のようで 当たり前じゃない
They seem so ordinary, yet they're not
そうでしょ 僕らの命
Our lives, you see.
明日が見えなくて くじけそうなときも
Even when tomorrow seems uncertain and I lose my way,
きっと 必ず道はあって
There must surely be a way through,
立ち止まっていいんだよ 休んだっていいんだよ
It's okay to stop and take a break.
ゆっくり 歩いていこう
Let's go slowly.
Every day since we were born,
They have been giving us,
"今日"というプレゼント かけがえのないEVERY DAY
"Today" as a present, an irreplaceable EVERY DAY.
We're creatures of habit,
失ったり 失いかけたりして初めて
So it's only when we lose something or are about to lose it
That we realize the value of what we had.
あって当たり前なものなど 一つだって存在しないさ
There is nothing that we can take for granted, not even one thing
君の今も 僕の今も そして この世界も
Your present self, my present self, and this world
全てに終わりがあるように 僕らにもいつか終わりが来る
Everything has an end, just as we will come to an end someday.
That's why we have to cherish our lives more.
君がいることも 僕がいることも
The fact that you're here and I'm here
きっと 必ず意味があって
Surely, it must have meant something
I wonder what
手探りで探すのが 僕らの人生
I grope around in the dark
こぼれる涙も 弾ける笑顔も
The tears that fall, the smiles that blossom
I embrace them tightly
それぞれの日々の それぞれの今の意味を
The meaning of each day, the meaning of each present moment
I feel it in my heart
君も 僕も 僕らのパパとママも
You, me, our parents
みんな一緒だよ はじめは赤ん坊
We were all the same at first, babies
何も持たず 何も知らず この青い地球に生まれてきたんだ
Born into this blue Earth with nothing.
0から覚えてきたこと 0から学んできたこと
What we learned from zero
今の君に 今の僕に 一体いくつあるだろう?
How much do you know now, how much do I know now?
指折り数えてみてよ ねえたくさんあるでしょ?
You can count it on your fingers, right? There's a lot, isn't there?
その全てが 今日まで君が生きてきた証
Every one of them is proof that you have lived until today.
今日があることも 明日がくることも
The fact that we have today, and that tomorrow will come,
きっと 僕らの たからもの
They must be our treasures
当たり前のようで 当たり前じゃない
They seem so ordinary, yet they're not
そうでしょ 僕らの命
Our lives, you see
明日が見えなくて くじけそうなときも
Even when tomorrow seems uncertain and I lose my way,
きっと 必ず道はあって
There must surely be a way through,
立ち止まっていいんだよ 休んだっていいんだよ
It's okay to stop and take a break.
ゆっくり 歩いていこう
Let's go slowly.

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