容祖兒 - 勉強幸福 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 容祖兒 - 勉強幸福

Learning to be Happy
拖足幾天 才見得一面
Dragging on for days, just to see you for a moment
Unexpectedly, I want you to leave early today
Funny how I can easily say, let's chat another day
可怕是我想分享的 早聽厭
It's scary how what I want to share, you're already tired of hearing
不止一天 寧願不出現
Not just for a day, I'd rather not show up at all
Whenever we meet, you always put on a show of kindness
Because I'd rather meet up with a friend and have a good time
因我內咎堅貞的心 竟改變
Because my guilty conscience has changed
為何一得到 便難再討好
Why is it that once obtained, it's hard to please?
To wrong me, to satisfy you, which is better?
#恨我講都不敢講 想都不敢想
# I hate that I don't dare to speak, I don't dare to think
也許肯拖下去 你會快過我說出真相
Maybe if I keep dragging it out, you'll say the truth before me
想告別你講的都得傷 聽的當然傷
I want to tell you goodbye, but everything I say will hurt you, and of course it will hurt me too
How could I personally abandon my former idol?
為名譽設想 回復單身更不堪設想
Thinking about my reputation, it's even worse to go back to being single
Happiness can be forced (please forgive me)#
我欠了你 是甚麼滋味
What do I owe you? That's what I want to know
The giver and receiver are both unhappy, how sad
I'm unlucky to have fallen in love with you, so deeply that I'm willing to die and be trampled on
不要讓我親口講不 喜歡你
Don't make me say it myself, I don't like you anymore
為何一得到 便能夠清高
Why is it that once obtained, I can become aloof?
是我沒良心 或你未夠好
Is it because I'm heartless, or because you're not good enough?
Reoeat #()
Reoeat #()
寧願越愛越盲 看不見方向
I'd rather be blinded by love, unable to see the direction
恨我講都不敢講 想都不敢想
I hate that I don't dare to speak, I don't dare to think
也許一拖下去 逼彼此講出更醜真相
Maybe if I keep dragging it out, we'll both be forced to say even uglier truths
因我受過給一手推開 這麼深的傷
Because I've been hurt by being pushed away, such a deep wound
How can I hurt the one I'm so grateful for?
然而受過傷 明白不可以貪安慰獎
However, having been hurt before, I know not to seek consolation prizes
How can happiness be forced?

Авторы: 林夕, 舒文

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