小肥 - 六月十三 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 小肥 - 六月十三

June 13th
妳說妳很怕四十歲 也無人肯娶
You said you're scared of being forty and don't want to get married
妳轉過幾百個伴侶 我也慣了給你婉拒
You've been through hundreds of partners, and I'm used to politely turning you down
我似醫生給妳配方 落力地慰問
I'm like a doctor giving you advice, trying my best to comfort you
妳於國慶被放低 悼念著傷口幾多晚 未等聖誕便縫合
On National Day, you were let down and mourned your wounds for nights, but before Christmas you're stitched back together
除夕抱誰 得到元旦的安枕
Who will you be holding on New Year's Eve, and will you be comforted the next day
平時間中一個睡更開心 尤其忙碌到沒時候接吻
Most of the time, sleeping alone is a happy affair, especially when you're so busy you don't have time to kiss
沒力氣再說可惜 只想多點休息 滿桌子瑣絮逼妳去面對
I don't have the energy to express regret, I just want to rest more; so many things on my table are forcing me to confront them
然而有很多節日要分心 全城狂歡妳便難敵心癮
But there are so many holidays that can distract a person; when the whole city is celebrating, it's hard for you to resist
誰無視 這一天就是六月十三 只得我 畫月曆白白的過
Who would ignore you? That day, June 13th, is empty; only I draw a blank on the calendar
吹熄那燭火 漆黑裡剩低我
I blow out the candle, leaving only me in the darkness
聽說妳暑假八月裡 去環遊歐洲 怎麼妳今夜致電求助
I heard that in August, you're going backpacking in Europe. Why are you calling me tonight to ask for my help?
無謂發夢 這種時節沒我份
There's no point in dreaming, I don't have a place in these events
為何有股死撐下去的心 難離難捨卻沒權利氣憤
Why is there a persistent hope in my heart? It's hard to escape the emotions but I have no right to be angry
靜候妳說句感激 否則怎可心息 你也許終於不會再離去
I'm waiting for you to say something I'm grateful for, otherwise how can I rest? Maybe you'll finally stop leaving
然而有很多節日要分心 全城狂歡妳便難敵心癮
But there are so many holidays that can distract a person; when the whole city is celebrating, it's hard for you to resist
誰無視 這一天就是六月十三 只得我 畫月曆白白的過
Who would ignore you? That day, June 13th, is empty; only I draw a blank on the calendar
吹熄那燭火 孤單也是不錯
I blow out the candle, being alone is not bad either

Авторы: Jie Fang, Fai Yeung Keith Chan

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