Ozawa Kenji - 痛快ウキウキ通り - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ozawa Kenji - 痛快ウキウキ通り

Painfully Exciting Street
プラダの靴が欲しいの そんな君の願いを叶えるため
You want a pair of Prada shoes, I'll fulfill your wish
マフラーを巻いて 街へ出て
With a scarf around my neck, I'll head out into the town
I may feel a little embarrassed, but I'll walk up and down Exciting Street
Sharing joy with someone else
That's the only thing that really makes the world a better place
降りしきる 雪の中 肝心かなめの夜はまだ
Snow falls heavily around me, but the night is still young
Cars honk their horns as they drive by
"ポーギーとベス"の流れる 喫茶店で1人ワインを飲んで
I order a glass of wine in a coffee shop that's playing "Porgy and Bess"
酔っぱらってしまった! こんなハズじゃなかった!
I've had a bit too much, this wasn't part of the plan
急いで外出りゃ 街に光るのはネオンサイン
I hurry outside, and the city lights shine like neon signs
Sharing joy with someone else
That's the only thing that really makes the world a better place
降りしきる 雪の中 肝心かなめの夜はまだ
Snow falls heavily around me, but the night is still young
I window shop and wander aimlessly
長い長いアラビアン・ナイト ほんの一夜の物語を行こう!
This Arabian Night feels so long, let's explore this one-night tale
クリスマス・イブも過ぎて 1年遅れで買うプレゼント
Christmas Eve has passed, and I'm buying a present a year late
遅れてごめん! 残念無念!
I'm sorry for the delay
Even monkeys feel bad when they make someone wait
Sharing joy with someone else
That's the only thing that really makes the world a better place
立ち止まり 息をする 暖かな血が流れていく
I stop and catch my breath, feeling the warmth of life flowing through me
The feeling of joy sparkles in my heart forever
長い長いアラビアン・ナイト ほんの一夜の物語を行こう!
This Arabian Night feels so long, let's explore this one-night tale
And so, one day, you and I will meet
お願いはひとつ 笑顔で応えてと!
All I ask is that you greet me with a smile
唾を吐き 誓いたい! それに見合う僕でありたい!
I spit on the ground to seal my vow, to be a man worthy of your love
しびれっぱなしの手のひら! 鼻水出りゃこすりながら!
My palms tingle, and I wipe away my runny nose
I walk through the snow, feeling exhilarated

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