尹光 feat. KZ - 你老闆 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 尹光 feat. KZ - 你老闆

Your Boss
我唔係求財 我只係求存
I'm not asking for wealth, I'm just asking to survive
我唔係求財 我只係求存
I'm not asking for wealth, I'm just asking to survive
我唔係求財 我只係求存
I'm not asking for wealth, I'm just asking to survive
我唔係求財 我只係求存
I'm not asking for wealth, I'm just asking to survive
正所謂 越窮就越見鬼
As the saying goes, the poorer you are, the more you see ghosts
啲樓越賣越貴 焗住越住越細
The more the buildings sell for, the more cramped we must live
大學畢業出嚟 咪又係捱騾仔
Graduating from university, I'm still just a workhorse
你話家下啲後生仔 邊敢結婚生仔
You say, these days, who among the young would dare to marry or have children?
為咗生計 做到痴肺
For the sake of survival, working myself sick
月底 剩到錢追女仔 算你巴之閉
At the end of the month, having money left to spare for taking a girl out, you can count yourself lucky
權宜之計 就係瞓天橋底
My only choice is to sleep under the overpass
冬暖夏涼 仲免交管理費
Warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and no management fees
我唔係求財 我只係求存
I'm not asking for wealth, I'm just asking to survive
我唔係求財 我只係求存
I'm not asking for wealth, I'm just asking to survive
我唔係求財 我只係求存
I'm not asking for wealth, I'm just asking to survive
我唔係求財 我只係求存
I'm not asking for wealth, I'm just asking to survive
你老闆 佢天生一對狗眼
Your boss, with those dog eyes he was born with
做得慢 睇唔過眼 話你偷懶
If you're slow, he glares and says you're slacking off
做得快又話你是是但但 揸流攤
If you're fast, he says you didn't do things properly, you cut corners
去咗洗手間 叫你唔駛返
Go to the bathroom, and he tells you not to come back
晚晚加班 做到嘔飯
Overtime every night, working till I puke
放工似放監 個個好似走難
Getting off work is like being released from prison, everyone fleeing in a panic
做到金精火眼 先啱啱夠兩餐
Working with the eyes of a hawk, and I still barely make enough to get by
一出糧嗰晚 食豪啲 (雙拼燒味飯)
The night I get paid, I splurge on a meal (double roast platter)
枉我成世做 做極都冇前途
I've wasted my whole life working, and still have no future
極度羨慕 太子爺 二世祖
I'm so envious of the princelings, the trust fund kids
枉我成世做 仲未見到出路
I've wasted my whole life working, I still can't see a way out
我都好想打跛雙腳 咁啱屋企開米鋪
I might as well cripple my legs, since my family owns a rice shop
我唔係求財 我只係求存
I'm not asking for wealth, I'm just asking to survive
我唔係求財 我只係求存
I'm not asking for wealth, I'm just asking to survive
我唔係求財 我只係求存
I'm not asking for wealth, I'm just asking to survive
我唔係求財 我只係求存
I'm not asking for wealth, I'm just asking to survive
乜都唔駛撈 離開呢度
I don't have to work at all, I'm leaving this place
搬去瓦努阿圖 (搵唔到喎 摷勻地圖)
Moving to Vanuatu (Can't find it, I've looked all over the map)
I'm stuck in Hong Kong
跟住一齊講 I Love Hong Kong
So now I'll join everyone else in saying I Love Hong Kong
繼續屈喺間房 逼過監倉
Still hunched up in this room, living worse than in prison
Still being bled dry by the landlord
I'm paying rent on a tiny partitioned room
Might as well take the money and buy a partitioned room under the bridge
(主人肥 奴隸瘦 無謂鬥 無謂鬥)
(Master's fat, slave's thin, there's no point in fighting, no point in fighting)
枉我成世做 做極都冇前途
I've wasted my whole life working, and still have no future
極度羨慕 太子爺 二世祖
I'm so envious of the princelings, the trust fund kids
枉我成世做 仲未見到出路
I've wasted my whole life working, I still can't see a way out
我都好想打跛雙腳 咁啱屋企開米鋪
I might as well cripple my legs, since my family owns a rice shop
枉我成世做 做極都冇前途
I've wasted my whole life working, and still have no future
極度羨慕 太子爺 二世祖
I'm so envious of the princelings, the trust fund kids
枉我成世做 仲未見到出路
I've wasted my whole life working, I still can't see a way out
老細 想搵契仔 益一益細佬 好冇
Hey, boss, looking for a godson? Do me a favor, huh?

Авторы: Mc Kz, Tommy Chan, 何鈞源

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