崎元仁 - コイン - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 崎元仁 - コイン

自販機でコーヒーを買ったお釣りは 君と僕をつなぐ 魔法のコイン
The change I got from buying coffee from the vending machine is a magic coin that connects you and me.
狭い電話ボックスの中 ヒュルリラ 冬の隙間風が啼いてる
Inside the narrow phone booth, the winter wind whistles through the cracks.
一番高価な500円玉も この時ばかりは役立たず
Even the most expensive 500 yen coin is useless at this moment.
10円玉の方がずっと偉いんだ 10秒間ずつ君に会える
A 10 yen coin is much more valuable, it lets me talk to you for 10 seconds.
「プルルルル‥プルルルル‥」 Callを無意識に数えてる
I count the rings of the phone, "Ring ring... ring ring..." subconsciously.
7回目には 決まって 留守電に変わる
On the 7th ring, it always goes to voicemail.
もう眠っていたのかな? ‥だと良いな
I hope you were already asleep.
何でもないメッセージを残し 受話器を下ろして気付いた
I leave a meaningless message and put down the receiver, then I realize.
大した用事なんて無いんだ ただ 声が聴きたいんだよ
I don't have anything important to say, I just want to hear your voice.
明日の朝に聴くのかな? それなら「おやすみ。。」じゃなかったね
Will you listen to it tomorrow morning? If so, I shouldn't have said "good night..."
また 君に笑われるや いつものように
You'll laugh at me again, like always.
I bought too much coffee.
It's jammed in the dispenser, making a rattling sound.
求めすぎてしまった後に気付く 君の気持ちも一緒なのかなぁ?
I realize I was too eager, is your feeling the same?
駅までの上り坂 ペダルの重さと戦ってる
On the way to the station, I'm struggling with the heavy pedals uphill.
君の乗せた あの頃なら 涼しい顔で
Back when you were with me, you would have ridden with a cool face.
痩せ我慢して手元が フラフラ
I'm gritting my teeth, my hands are shaky.
ヘッドライトが照らす夜道に響く 間の抜けた口笛
The headlights illuminate the night road, and I whistle a tuneless melody.
センチメンタルなメロディーほど 力んじゃうんだ 笑わないでよ
Sentimental tunes make me feel so tense, don't laugh at me.
背中で聴いてたその声も 今は繋がれた受話器の中
Your voice, which I used to hear on my back, is now trapped inside the connected phone receiver.
また 寂しさに負けそうさ 月が滲んでる
I'm losing to loneliness again, the moon is blurry.
こっそり予定を聞き出して 週末内緒で 君に会いに行くんだ!
I'll secretly find out your schedule and go see you on the weekend!
勘付かれないように さりげない会話で僅かな糸口を掴んで
I'll be subtle about it, using casual conversations to find a clue.
I'll do it!
プルルルル‥ プルルルル‥ プルルルル‥ プルルルル‥
Ring ring... Ring ring... Ring ring... Ring ring...
プルルルル‥ プルルルル‥ プルルルル‥
Ring ring... Ring ring... Ring ring...
今夜も 何でもないメッセージを残し 受話器を下ろしかけた時
Tonight, as I was about to leave another meaningless message and put down the receiver,
留守電が君に切り替わった 慌てて声も裏返るんだよ
The voicemail switched to you, my voice cracked in panic.
「明日の予定は、、どうなってるの!?」 これにて作戦は 丸つぶれ
“What are you doing tomorrow…?” This plan is completely ruined.
また 君に笑われてる 受話器の奥で
You're laughing at me again, from the other end of the receiver.
もう 切符も買ってるんだ 始発で行くよ
I already bought the ticket, I'll go on the first train.

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