張敬軒 - 輕時光 - перевод текста песни на английский

輕時光 - 張敬軒перевод на английский

Fleeting Time
奮鬥過什麼奢想得到 心血也盡吐
What extravagant dreams did I dare to pursue, My heart and soul poured out;
察覺疲勞身軀的警告 計劃又重做
Exhaustion warned me to rethink my path, But I forged ahead once more.
愁雲一再密佈 苦撐直至病倒
Clouds of worry loomed large, Until I collapsed under their weight.
I had forgotten how to slow down.
數百個負擔該怎擔保 恐怕有異數
How can I bear the weight of countless burdens, The fear of failure gnawing at me?
放眼卻難見願望達到 高攀得過高
My dreams seem elusive, My ambitions too lofty.
光陰可會預告 轉向壞與好
Can time foretell The turns of fate, good or bad?
忙亂會摔倒 或放鬆才有轉機可再度 破繭飛舞
In the chaos, I stumble, But perhaps in surrender lies a chance To break free and soar once more.
失去亦好 輕輕一掃那前塵沙土
Loss is a gentle breeze, Sweeping away the dust of the past.
擺脫煎熬 時光匆匆可有餘暇盡訴 心底裡有多枯燥
Released from anguish, Time rushes by, leaving little spaceTo dwell on the weariness within.
失算亦好 先經幾次教訓才能避免步步迷路
Mistakes are lessons learned, Guiding us away from dead ends.
顧慮是迷霧 吹開不知道
Doubts are a fog, But once they clear, we can see.
有時能錯過都好 眼前煩惱看輕 可有或無
Sometimes, letting go is best. Lightening the load, we find freedom.
Love has brought me heartache, Unrequited affection.
We clung to each other, Reluctant to let go.
In my reckless youth, I stumbled, Unprepared for the consequences.
心境需更高 得失總有命數
Fate has its own designs, And I must accept its path.
怎幼稚對賭 懷內那初稿
How foolish to gamble On the first draft of my life.
願放開才有胸襟可創造 嶄新一套
Surrender, and your heart will expand, Creating space for something new.
失去亦好 輕輕一掃那前塵沙土
Loss is a gentle breeze, Sweeping away the dust of the past.
擺脫煎熬 時光匆匆可有餘暇盡訴 心轉眼半生消耗
Released from anguish, Time rushes by, leaving little spaceTo dwell on the years that have slipped away.
失算亦好 先經幾次教訓才能避免步步迷路
Mistakes are lessons learned, Guiding us away from dead ends.
顧慮是迷霧 吹開不知道
Doubts are a fog, But once they clear, we can see.
Let go of your worries, Buried deep within.
才有信心 將心碎重組
Then you will find the strength To piece your broken heart back together.
一切尚早 輕輕揮過兩袖仍安好
We have time yet. Shake off the past and embrace the present.
此際虛無 明知心中所盼時辰未到
In this void, I know that my destiny awaits.
I will not lose my way.
一切靜好 拋低苦痛過去才能幸免自掘墳墓
All is well. Let go of the pain of the past And escape the trap of self-pity.
退換讓前路 捨割換回報
Let go and find your path, Embrace the unknown.
有時能放棄都好 膊頭無重哪需煩躁
Sometimes, giving up is best. Lighten your load and find freedom.
眼前圓滿缺失 總算命途
My life is not perfect, But it is my destiny.

Авторы: 徐繼宗, 陳耀森

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