張清芳 - 戀人的保存期限 - перевод текста песни на английский

戀人的保存期限 - 張清芳перевод на английский

Expiration Date of a Lover
想替你貼上標籤 記錄相愛原料有多新鮮
I want to put a label on you To record how fresh the ingredients of our love are
是否添加太多糖水 色彩太過濃烈
Whether there's too much sugar water The color is too strong
先說好 只喜歡清爽口感 不願意接受曖昧
Let's say that I only like the refreshing taste I don't want to accept ambiguity
是是非非 別裝在愛情裡面
Right or wrong Don't put it in love
戀人的保存期限 沒人能說的明確 以為對愛不鬆懈 就可以一延再延
The expiration date of a lover No one can say it clearly I thought if I don't slack off on love I can postpone it again and again
戀人的保存期限 已經塗改許多遍 只要味道沒改變 就能到海角天邊
The expiration date of a lover Has been changed many times As long as the taste doesn't change We can go to the ends of the earth
想替你貼上標籤 製造日期就是相遇那天
I want to put a label on you The production date is the day we met
你說過的每一句話 已試吃好幾回
Every word you've said I've tasted many times
忘不了 你深情的凝望我 不用開口也意會
I can't forget Your affectionate gaze at me No need to speak and I understand
酸酸甜甜 令我悸動的滋味
Sweet and sour The taste that makes my heart beat faster
戀人的保存期限 沒人能說的明確 以為對愛不鬆懈 就可以一延再延
The expiration date of a lover No one can say it clearly I thought if I don't slack off on love I can postpone it again and again
戀人的保存期限 已經塗改許多遍 只要味道沒改變 就能到海角天邊
The expiration date of a lover Has been changed many times As long as the taste doesn't change We can go to the ends of the earth
或許有那麼一天 我撕下你的標籤
Maybe one day I'll tear off your label
一定是因為 即使矇著眼 我也可以 將你的愛 默念千百遍
It must be because Even if I cover my eyes I can still Recite your love a thousand times
戀人的保存期限 誰不想永永遠遠 我緊貼著你的背 像影子一樣跟隨
The expiration date of a lover Who doesn't want to last forever I stick close to your back Like a shadow
戀人的保存期限 時間不會是重點 那天你從世間消退也無法 從我心中抹滅
The expiration date of a lover Time is not the key When you disappear from the world I can't erase you from my heart

Авторы: 聶令捷

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