強 - スーパースター - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 強 - スーパースター

傷だらけになっても 泥だらけになっても
Even if you're covered in wounds and mud
To us, you're our superstar
Every beginning starts with rain, so you laugh, looking at the dark sky
なぁ おまえはいくつになっても弱さを隠しては強がってる
Say, you act tough even when you're weak, no matter how old you get
俺の知らない孤独だって おまえが観てきた景色だって
The loneliness I don't know about and the scenery you've seen
全部聞かせろ朝までだって 付き合ってくれる仲間が待ってる
Tell me everything until morning, we have friends who will listen
なぁ だからそんなに全てを背負ってしまわないで
So please, don't carry everything on your shoulders
Sometimes, be like us, even if we lose at pachinko, we laugh about it
今日は泣いてもいいんだぜ my friend ほら みんなの前で
Today, it's okay to cry, my friend, come on, in front of everyone
We won't let that be called loneliness
傷だらけになっても 泥だらけになっても
Even if you're covered in wounds and mud
To us, you're our superstar
いくら歳をとっても 戦いが終わっても
No matter how old you get, even when the battle ends
To us, you're our superstar
辛かったよ悔しかったよ いや この感情はなんだろう?
It was hard, and there were regrets, no, what is this feeling?
In a room with no lights, you ate cold pasta
でもわかったよ 本当は寂しかったよ
But I understand, you were lonely
温もりがただ欲しかったよ その度に女を抱いたよ
You just wanted warmth, so you slept with women
To say something like that is stupid
I'm really naive and selfish
大事なところの詰めの甘さ なんて言ったら怒っちゃうかもな?
Maybe you'll get mad if I say you're clumsy when it matters?
お前の事を何も知らねえ ヤツの言う事なんてほっとけ
Don't listen to what people who don't know you say
俺は繋がってるよ この音で 同じ空の下で
I'm connected to you, through this music, under the same sky
傷だらけになっても 泥だらけになっても
Even if you're covered in wounds and mud
To us, you're our superstar
いくら歳をとっても 戦いが終わっても
No matter how old you get, even when the battle ends
To us, you're our superstar
Everyone has been waiting for this moment
Now, amidst the applause
「カーテンコール」いや、まだまだ終わらせないぜ 切りひらけ新たな時代を
“Curtain call,” no, we're not ending this yet, let's open a new era
もっと熱く見せつけてくれよ 輝く男の意地とプライド
Show us your hot passion, the pride of a brilliant man
夢や憧れを抱いて生きている 俺はそうだし おまえもそうだろう?
Living with dreams and aspirations, that's me, and it's probably you too
あの人みたいになりたい いるだろ?
You want to be like that person, right?
Your own superstar
支えられて生きている ホントそうさ
We're supported by others, it's true
みんなどうだろう? 落ち込んだ時に現れてくれた俺だけのスーパースター
What about you all? Those who appeared when you were down, your own superstars
傷だらけになっても 泥だらけになっても
Even if you're covered in wounds and mud
To us, you're our superstar
いくら歳をとっても 戦いが終わっても
No matter how old you get, even when the battle ends
To us, you're our superstar

Авторы: 強, Hidex, hidex

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