春艷 - 化學男子的誕生 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 春艷 - 化學男子的誕生

The Birth of a Chemical Boy
來一點汽水 再加入果凍
Let's add some soda, then some jelly
A few men in white coats walk in front of the instrument
備齊了原料 培養液圍繞
All the ingredients are ready, the culture medium surrounds
The lab is filled with the smell of snacks
別出聲 見証他的出生
Shhh, don't make a sound, witness his birth
沒哭聲 造了一個超人還是畜生
No crying, he's a superman or a beast
Then, the soda erupts from the germ-free room
The number of cells is increasing linearly
邪惡的元素 不小心全部
Evil elements, accidentally all
掉進去 鍋爐裡 沒來得及去處理
Falling into the boiler, no time to deal with it
糊裡糊塗 塑化劑香料的荼毒
In a muddle, plasticizers, spices poisoning
他們讓我感到舒服 卻有股沒來由的孤獨
They make me feel comfortable, yet lonely for no reason
來自化學食物的國度 強迫餵食日夜間重複
From the land of chemical food, forced feeding day and night repetition
快離開這 別被當成動物 將我改造是唯一的任務
Leave this place, don't be treated like an animal, my only mission is to transform
來自化學食物的國度 強迫餵食日夜間重複
From the land of chemical food, forced feeding day and night repetition
快離開這 別被當成動物 將我改造是唯一的任務
Leave this place, don't be treated like an animal, my only mission is to transform
把餅乾當作我的奶嘴 抓gameboy對著鏡頭翻白眼
Using cookies as my pacifier, holding game boy and rolling my eyes at the camera
你問我為何如此過人 用化學藥劑填滿成長過程
You ask me why I'm so extraordinary, I fill my growth process with chemicals
可樂和氣泡的灌溉 讓我保持亢奮的狀態
I'm kept in a state of excitement by the irrigation of Coke and bubbles
一路從瓶口衝進我喉嚨 跳動的心臟如縮放的瞳孔
My heart beats like a dilated pupil, rushing into my throat from the bottle
親身體驗身心的變化 我是人體實驗的箭靶
I'm experiencing the changes in my body and mind, my body is the target of human experiments
天殺的 我變成眾人羨煞的 (騙他的這是陰謀他們奸詐的)
Damn it, I've become someone that everyone envies (This is a conspiracy, they are treacherous)
讓你自動愛上糖漿藥水 我的性格漸常 ㄎㄧㄤ又弔詭
Making you fall in love with syrup and medicine, my personality gradually becomes strange and eccentric
我清醒在我陌生的時空 各種藥劑器材和時鐘
I wake up in an unfamiliar time and space, all kinds of medicines and clocks
我抑制呼吸 別讓我失控
I hold my breath, don't let me lose control
是誰在害我 拜託快自首
Who's hurting me, please give yourself up
我來自化學食物的國度 強迫餵食日夜間重複
I come from the land of chemical food, forced feeding day and night repetition
快離開這 別被當成動物 將我改造是唯一的任務
Leave this place, don't be treated like an animal, my only mission is to transform
我來自化學食物的國度 強迫餵食日夜間重複
I come from the land of chemical food, forced feeding day and night repetition
快離開這 別被當成動物 將我改造是唯一的任務
Leave this place, don't be treated like an animal, my only mission is to transform

Авторы: Cheng En Yu Aka Chun Yan

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