李克勤 - 在一起卻很寂寞 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 李克勤 - 在一起卻很寂寞

Together but Lonely
你害怕 听见我声音
You fear hearing my voice
我害怕 家里每束灯
I fear every light in the house
每面镜 反映了大厅更加暗
Every mirror reflects the hall becoming darker
我爱稳定 你爱缤纷
I love stability, you love variety
笑下去 可会更开心
Will we be happier if we keep laughing?
怨下去 将积怨再加深
Will our resentment deepen if we keep complaining?
曾经 沿着那美丽大城镇
Once, we walked through that beautiful, bustling city
行入了最绝掘头路 蚕食你我光阴
Until we reached the end of the line, consuming our precious time
要一起 嫌平凡
Let's stay together, we're tired of the ordinary
要分手 嫌为难
Let's break up, we're afraid of the difficulties
Like a glass of water, we can have a full meal between cold and warm
看伤口 在腐烂
Watching the wounds fester
看钟摆 熬时间
Watching the clock, killing time
Perhaps we'll get used to it as we age
我独个 恐怕会孤单
I'm afraid of being alone
你共我 只不过更孤单
But being with you only makes me lonelier
人生 全为了要腐蚀时间
Life is all about wasting time
如若我已熟习平淡 容易过过三关
If I'm already used to the mundane, it'll be easier to pass the tests
要一起 嫌平凡
Let's stay together, we're tired of the ordinary
要分手 嫌为难
Let's break up, we're afraid of the difficulties
Like a glass of water, we can have a full meal between cold and warm
看伤口 在腐烂
Watching the wounds fester
看钟摆 熬时间
Watching the clock, killing time
Perhaps we'll get used to it as we age
要一起 嫌平凡
Let's stay together, we're tired of the ordinary
要分手 嫌为难
Let's break up, we're afraid of the difficulties
若相拥当作上班 令账单堆积似山
If being together feels like work, and the bills pile up like mountains
最悲惨夜漫漫 最终竟云霞散
The longest nights end with the most beautiful sunrises
All we have in life is getting used to it

Авторы: Hins Cheung, Ruo Ning Lin

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