林志炫 - 浮夸 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 林志炫 - 浮夸

Lin Zhixuan
夜晚星空 你只看见最亮的那颗
In the starry night, you only see the brightest star
人海中你崇拜 话题最多最红的那个
Amidst the crowd, you idolize the most popular and talked-about ones
谁不觊觎着要站在舞台中央 光环只为我闪烁
Who doesn't crave to stand in the center of the stage, with the spotlight shining solely on them?
散场后 落幕后 谁关心你想什么 谁在乎你做什么
After the show, after the curtain falls, who cares about your thoughts or actions?
夸张不是罪过 能满足空洞乏味的生活
Exaggeration is not a sin; it can fill an empty and dull life
那窥探的眼那议论的口 消遣了每一次茶余饭后
Those prying eyes, those gossiping mouths, they pass the time with your every move
难道非要浮夸吗 无谓是非与真假
Must one be extravagant? Regardless of right or wrong, of truth or falsehood
拼排场包装比身价 谁说真心话 谁说真心话
Competing in extravagance and packaging beyond one's worth, who speaks the truth, who speaks the truth?
只要画面够惊讶 只要内容够爆炸
As long as the spectacle is shocking enough, as long as the content is explosive enough
一张嘴开出了天花 嬉笑怒骂
One's mouth blossoms with tall tales, filled with laughter, anger, and insults
只能在夜里镜子前 偷偷讲实话
Only in front of the mirror in the dead of night can one secretly tell the truth
你喜欢我 不喜欢我 是你的自由
Whether you like me or not is your choice
我只是希望在某些时候 抓到你耳朵
I only hope to catch your ear at times
为音乐梦想唱出第一个音符 从此就没放弃过
Singing the first note for my musical dream, I have never given up since
主观的 客观的 旁观的拦阻太多
Subjective, objective, the obstacles from onlookers are countless
The consequences, good or bad, are mine to bear
所以我要歌颂 让情绪释放在歌声之中
So I sing, letting my emotions flow in the melody
选择虽然多 好歌有几首 能够去感动人给些什么
Choices abound, but few songs are truly good, capable of touching hearts and leaving an impact
难道非要浮夸吗 无谓是非与真假
Must one be extravagant? Regardless of right or wrong, of truth or falsehood
拼排场包装比身价 谁是大赢家 谁是大赢家
Competing in extravagance and packaging beyond one's worth, who is the big winner, who is the big winner?
只要画面够惊讶 只要内容够爆炸
As long as the spectacle is shocking enough, as long as the content is explosive enough
一张嘴开出了天花 嬉笑怒骂
One's mouth blossoms with tall tales, filled with laughter, anger, and insults
只能在夜里镜子前 偷偷讲实话
Only in front of the mirror in the dead of night can one secretly tell the truth
幸运儿不是我 因为我选择的路很难走
I am no darling of fortune, for the path I chose is arduous
如果够出色却不能出头 至少也做到没第二个我
If I am capable yet fail to stand out, I will at least ensure that there will never be another like me
难道非要浮夸吗 内心也曾很挣扎
Must one be extravagant? My heart has often been torn
一个人努力的时候 有谁看见吗 有谁知道吗
When one strives alone, who sees? Who knows?
唱到思绪都融化 唱到声音也沙哑
Singing until my thoughts melt, singing until my voice grows hoarse
说是我著了魔也好 疯了也罢
Call me possessed or mad
若不能挥洒 算什么歌唱的玩家
If I cannot let loose, what is the point of being a singer?
Look at me, shining for you
合不合胃口 都请欣然接受吧
Whether to your taste or not, please accept it with a smile
The next moment, I will ignite sparks for you

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