楊丞琳 - 绝对达令 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 楊丞琳 - 绝对达令

Absolute Darling
你那純粹的眼神 漾著孩子的天真
Your pure eyes sparkling with childlike innocence
帶我走 牽手走向那彩虹任意門
Take my hand and lead me to the rainbow door
我用堅定的靈魂 回報你給的誠懇
With my unwavering soul, I'll回报你your sincerity
暖化了 從前曾為愛流失的體溫
Warming the body temperature lost in love
不再害怕 不再心亂如麻
No more fear, no more anxiety
每當想念在手上爬 你就來電話
Every time I miss you, your call follows
你是不是 懂神奇的魔法
Do you have some kind of magic spell?
為什麼宅配愛情 一分一秒不差
Why is this love delivery service so exact?
用愛將我擁抱 彩繪幸福城堡
Embrace me with love, paint the castle of happiness
你輕柔的心跳 治好了感冒
Your gentle heartbeat cures my cold
Leaving only a romantic fever
Exclusive to me, undisturbed
用力為我奔跑 跑過每個轉角
Run for me, through every corner
所有我的想要 你全部送到
You deliver everything I desire
Absolute darling, perfect love
決定愛上絕不放開 My love
I've decided to love you, never letting go My love
有話直說的坦誠 開門見山的認真
Honest and direct, open and sincere
遇上你 遇見了情有靈犀的天份
I've met you, the perfect match
甩開曖昧的疑問 跳脫猜謎的老梗
No more ambiguous doubts, no more guessing games
打開門 看天燈載滿紅心在上升
Open the door and see the sky lanterns carrying red hearts ascending
不再害怕 不再心亂如麻
No more fear, no more anxiety
每個思念你的清晨 不用在掙扎
No more struggles on the mornings I miss you
常懷疑你 是不是有魔法
I often wonder if you have magic powers
為什麼快遞自己 分分秒秒都不差
Why is this express delivery of yourself so precise?
用愛將我擁抱 彩繪幸福城堡
Embrace me with love, paint the castle of happiness
你輕柔的心跳 治好了感冒
Your gentle heartbeat cures my cold
Leaving only a romantic fever
Exclusive to me, undisturbed
用力為我奔跑 跑過每個轉角
Run for me, through every corner
所有我的想要 你全部送到
You deliver everything I desire
Absolute darling, perfect love
I've decided to love you, never letting go
用力為我奔跑 跑過每個轉角
Run for me, through every corner
所有我的想要 你全部送到
You deliver everything I desire
Absolute darling, perfect love
決定愛上絕不放開 My love
I've decided to love you, never letting go My love

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