Nana Mizuki - JEWEL - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Nana Mizuki - JEWEL

あなたに 伝えたい
I want to tell you
宝物が 沢山ある
I have many treasures
少し 聞いてくれるかな?
Can you listen to me for a bit?
喜び 悲しみ
Joy, sorrow
The meaning of life
今の私を 彩る
Things that color my present self
Everything exists
「おかえり」と どんな私も
No matter what kind of me, (you say) "Welcome home"
包んでくれる 愛しい場所
An affectionate place that wraps me up
夢が浮かぶ 透き通る
A transparent sea where dreams float
未来へ続く 白い
A white bridge leading to the future
背伸びすれば 届きそうな
A sky that seems within reach if I stretch out my hand
いつの日も 変わらず
Always unchanging
It's right there
涙が こぼれ落ちる 夜も
Even on nights when tears fall
踊るような 笑顔の 朝も
Even on mornings when I have a dancing smile
私が 私でいられるよう
So that I can be myself
It watches over me
かけがえのない ふるさと
My irreplaceable hometown
煌めく 憧れ
A sparkling aspiration
We talked and shared
幼い頃 寄り添う
That time in our childhood when we were close
That time
何度も 私を
Has repeatedly
Given me courage
諦めない 強さ
I recall the strength
Of not giving up
どんなに遠く 離れても
No matter how far away I am
感じる 大切な記憶
I feel these important memories
As time passes
深まる 愛情
My love deepens
あなたと 分かち合えたら
If I could share it with you
どれほど 幸せだろう
How happy I would be
夢が浮かぶ 透き通る
A transparent sea where dreams float
未来へ続く 白い
A white bridge leading to the future
背伸びすれば 届きそうな
A sky that seems within reach if I stretch out my hand
いつの日も 変わらず
Always unchanging
It's right there
涙が こぼれ落ちる 夜も
Even on nights when tears fall
踊るような 笑顔の 朝も
Even on mornings when I have a dancing smile
私が 私でいられるよう
So that I can be myself
It watches over me
かけがえのない ふるさと
My irreplaceable hometown

Авторы: 水樹 奈々, 角野 寿和, 水樹 奈々, 角野 寿和

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