Kiyoshi Hikawa - 与太郎時空伝 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Kiyoshi Hikawa - 与太郎時空伝

Yotaro Time Travel
Dancing at the village festival, my dear,
I fell into a big hole, oh dear!
"Oh my!"
Yotaro from old Edo, far away,
気がつきゃここは 東京だとさ
Suddenly finds himself in Tokyo today.
ご隠居 与太郎 ふたりとも
The retired master and Yotaro, both so green,
自動車なんかは 見たことない
Have never seen a motor car, such a machine!
ここは どこじゃ お江戸は どこじゃ?!
"Where are we? Where's Edo, my sweet?"
ここは どこじゃ まつりは どこじゃ?!
"Where are we? Where's the festival treat?"
タヌキのしわざか キツネのせいか
A tanuki's trick? A fox's jest?
お江戸はどこじゃと 大あわて
Where's Edo? In a frantic quest!
"Hey, hey, master, look there, my love,
That huge thing, could it be,
A fire watchtower, up above?"
"I asked that young lady, my dear,
She said it's called 'Skytree', it's quite clear."
"The tallest building in Musashi, they say, my dove."
「ほぉー立派だぁ!! よっ、あっぱれ!!」
"Oh, magnificent! Bravo! Well done, I say!"
あれはお城か いくつもあるぞ
Are those castles? So many in view,
でっかい空に 飛ぶのは鳥か
Flying in the vast sky, birds, is it true?
ご隠居 与太郎 ふたりとも
The retired master and Yotaro, side by side,
飛行機なんかは 見たことない
Have never seen an airplane glide.
ここは どこじゃ お江戸は どこじゃ?!
"Where are we? Where's Edo, I pray?"
ここは どこじゃ まつりは どこじゃ?!
"Where are we? Where's the festival's sway?"
そこ行く浴衣の かわいい子供
There's a cute child in a yukata so sweet,
お江戸は近いか ついて行く
Is Edo near? Let's follow her feet.
"Excuse me, little miss, my sweet pea,
Could you tell us, if you please,
Which way to Edo, if you know the key?"
"Which path should we take, to get there with glee?"
"Mister! Is that topknot real? My, oh my!
Are you filming for TV?"
"Hey, hey, don't pull so hard, my dear,
Master, everyone in this land, it's clear,
Is like that, so modern and new,
Let's hurry and do what we have to do!
Come on, let's go, my love, it's true!"
ここは どこじゃ お江戸は どこじゃ?!
"Where are we? Where's Edo, my sweet?"
ここは どこじゃ まつりは どこじゃ?!
"Where are we? Where's the festival treat?"
どこから聞こえる 笛の音・太鼓
From somewhere, a flute and drum we hear,
お祭りめざして そら走れ
Towards the festival, let's run, my dear!
ここは どこじゃ お江戸は どこじゃ?!
"Where are we? Where's Edo tonight?"
ここは どこじゃ まつりは どこじゃ?!
"Where are we? Where's the festival's light?"
神社があったよ 花火もあがる
There's a shrine, and fireworks bright,
踊ればなんとか なりそうだ
If we dance, things will be alright.
「ご隠居 何やらいい匂いが
"Master, I smell something delicious, my dear,
I'm getting hungry, I fear."
"Shall we return to Edo now, my love so true?"
"Huh? Can we go back, too?"
"Oh my!"

Авторы: Shou Asakura, Kenji Miyashita

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