Silence Wang - 流浪是合理的需求 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Silence Wang - 流浪是合理的需求

Wandering Is a Reasonable Need
關掉鬧鐘就睡過頭 沿街奔跑著像夢遊
Turning off the alarm, I oversleep, running down the street like a sleepwalker
太匆忙我感覺脈搏 下一個轉彎會熄火
So hurried, I feel my pulse, the next turn I might stall
隔壁又起一座高樓 陽光原本就夠罕有
Another high-rise next door, sunlight was already rare enough
電扇的馬力在嘶吼 吹來的風仍不自由
The fan's horsepower is roaring, but the wind it blows is still not free
磨平了脾氣低著頭 麻煩還是能找到我
Smoothing out my temper, head down low, trouble still finds me
靈魂一直眺望窗口 窗外的世界太誘惑
My soul keeps gazing out the window, the world outside is too tempting
副歌馬上要換節奏 我也不應該再停留
The chorus is about to change rhythm, I shouldn't stay any longer
沉默空間裡舉起手 有點事我想要先走
Raising my hand in the silent space, I have something to do, I need to leave
這城市不該只有 行人車流 單一的輪廓
This city shouldn't just be pedestrian and car flows, a single outline
別再說霓虹就是 我們能夠 奢望的日落
Don't say neon lights are the sunset we can hope for
頭也不回逃離荒漠 開輛最破的車
Turning my back on the desert, driving the most broken-down car
讓它喘著氣陪著我 越顛簸越快樂
Let it gasp for air and accompany me, the bumpier the ride, the happier I am
連路燈都在通緝 都在妒忌 能這樣活著
Even the streetlights are searching, envious of how I live
舊訊息拋在身後 高飛遠走 改日再聯絡
Leaving old messages behind, flying high and far away, I'll contact you another day
傳授給你我的藉口 有點事要先走
Here's my excuse, darling, I have something to do, I need to leave
流浪是合理的需求 門票一張就夠 逛地球
Wandering is a reasonable need, one ticket is enough to explore the Earth
大道理就算聽太多 面對現實還是閃躲
Even if I hear too much grandstanding, I still dodge reality
說到底什麼能擁有 食物鏈何必爭上游
In the end, what can we possess? Why fight to the top of the food chain?
看穿了眼前的虛構 更幻想有一個缺口
Seeing through the fiction before my eyes, I fantasize about an escape
我需要呼吸和烈酒 有點事能不能先走?
I need breath and strong liquor, can I just leave for a bit, my love?
這城市不該只有 行人車流 單一的輪廓
This city shouldn't just be pedestrian and car flows, a single outline
別再說霓虹就是 我們能夠 奢望的日落
Don't say neon lights are the sunset we can hope for
頭也不回逃離荒漠 開輛最破的車
Turning my back on the desert, driving the most broken-down car
讓它喘著氣陪著我 越顛簸越快樂
Let it gasp for air and accompany me, the bumpier the ride, the happier I am
連路燈都在通緝 都在妒忌 能這樣活著
Even the streetlights are searching, envious of how I live
舊訊息拋在身後 高飛遠走 改日再聯絡
Leaving old messages behind, flying high and far away, I'll contact you another day
人人都該有個藉口 有點事要先走
Everyone should have an excuse, I have something to do, I need to leave
流浪是合理的需求 門票一張就夠 逛地球
Wandering is a reasonable need, one ticket is enough to explore the Earth
(我們能夠 我們能夠 我們能夠)
(We can, we can, we can)
(奢望的日落 奢望的日落 奢望的日落)
(Hope for sunset, hope for sunset, hope for sunset)
(我們能夠 我們能夠 我們能夠)
(We can, we can, we can)
(改日再聯絡 改日再聯絡 票一張就夠)
(Contact you another day, contact you another day, one ticket is enough)
這城市不該只有 行人車流 單一的輪廓
This city shouldn't just be pedestrian and car flows, a single outline
別再說霓虹就是 我們能夠 奢望的日落
Don't say neon lights are the sunset we can hope for
頭也不回逃離荒漠 開輛最破的車
Turning my back on the desert, driving the most broken-down car
讓它喘著氣陪著我 越顛簸越快樂
Let it gasp for air and accompany me, the bumpier the ride, the happier I am
連路燈都在通緝 都在妒忌 能這樣活著
Even the streetlights are searching, envious of how I live
舊訊息拋在身後 高飛遠走 改日再聯絡
Leaving old messages behind, flying high and far away, I'll contact you another day
人人都該有個藉口 有點事要先走
Everyone should have an excuse, I have something to do, I need to leave
流浪是合理的需求 門票一張就夠 逛地球
Wandering is a reasonable need, one ticket is enough to explore the Earth

Авторы: 汪苏泷, 万一

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